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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Sharin' the love @ 500

Pinner Reef

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Pinner Reef

Recently I was the lucky recipent of a free frag pack from a very, very nice person here. B)


As I break 500 posts I feel it necessary to give back to the community if only a little for all the help and guidance you all have given me here. :)


I've decided to give a couple of frag packs containing the following:



Several Pepto Pinks (I think thats the name)



About 10 Unnamed:



And a frag of the Kenya Tree pictured in the back



Heres the deal:


1. Do not PM me


2. Post a FTS of your fully cycled/ functional tank.


3. These frags are free so there is no live arrival guarentee.


4. Shipping costs are your responsibility local pickup available (Salt Lake City).


5. I will not hold anything for anyone.


6. Low post counts may disqualify you, but not necessarily.



Optional: Continue the trend and offer a free frag or piece of hardware to someone else in need, if you can spare it.


Again thanks to everyone for all that you have done with this site.




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hey, you didn't get them yet... it goes out monday only with a few other things, so look for them in the mail. =)

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my my you wonderful guys! congrats on 500 post. heheeh i think i should sit this one out since i just got a free pack! i love how you guys post for the night owls though!

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Pinner Reef

LOL no I didn't. Have you gotten the origional ones back yet? Sorry again for the debachle (sp)



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Pinner Reef
my my you wonderful guys! congrats on 500 post. heheeh i think i should sit this one out since i just got a free pack! i love how you guys post for the night owls though!



LOL its not really intentional just the time I'm most active. :ninja:


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DID I WIN!???!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?


Additional specs


Nitrate: 400

Nitrite: 19

Ammonia: Not so much, but I had her a'monnin all night.

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Pinner Reef
DID I WIN!???!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?


Additional specs


Nitrate: 400

Nitrite: 19

Ammonia: Not so much, but I had her a'monnin all night.



Smart azz :slap:



Frag packs have been spoken for


Gonna cut there Sorry to those who were sleeping.


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well, if you're that desperate to share the love, my tank could use a some coloring up.

this is a not so great pic of it ;)


if this thread keeps going, i'm sure i could find some equipment to ship out. i have to see whats left after donating a fw pico to a teacher at my school :happy: i think i still have a little cannister filter and maybe some other stuff i'm not using.

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I think it is great that you are sharing some frags..........but most of the pictures I've seen posted aren't exactly "hurting" for anything with the exception of the last pic posted by Travisurfer. Heck, the others are all stocked better than mine and I'm not begging for free frags. Why don't you guy settle down a little and wait for more noobs to post pics. Maybe it will help some poor kid stay in the hobby...........who knows.

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Pinner Reef

True but the reality is I only have a limited amount. I can't really play favorates or choose any for that matter. Its a first come first serve kinda thing. Plus I'm getting sleepy and can't stay up all morning taking applications.

Sorry noobs -_-


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DID I WIN!???!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?


Additional specs


Nitrate: 400

Nitrite: 19

Ammonia: Not so much, but I had her a'monnin all night.



I have two more free yellow tangs if you want them, should look great in that tank! :lol:

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joel sandoman
I think it is great that you are sharing some frags..........but most of the pictures I've seen posted aren't exactly "hurting" for anything with the exception of the last pic posted by Travisurfer. Heck, the others are all stocked better than mine and I'm not begging for free frags. Why don't you guy settle down a little and wait for more noobs to post pics. Maybe it will help some poor kid stay in the hobby...........who knows.

But, O, how bitter a thing it is to look into happiness through another man's eyes!

-William Shakespeare


I have some free anthelia if you want some.

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