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How bad is it to add anemone into a reef.


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I am really thinking of getting a bubble tip or a seabe.

My 2 clowns really wanna host something..I have this mini bubble tip thats only about the size of a quarter or so. they try to host it but all they do is able to rub their tail in it. The other one even tries to host the cleaner shrimps antenna.

I imagine that the anemone can kill the corals. Has anyone else had any ease of putting the 2 together

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Koral krazy (reefer 365)

yes, you can keep an anemone with coral. However, the anemone should be purchased for the tank first so it can anchor its foot to a position in the tank it likes, and then the corals should be placed around it a few weeks later. Adding an anemone into an established, populated reef is extremely risky because the anemone will roam around the tank, stinging and killing other corals. If you really want to keep one, you might want to remove the corals from the tank for a week or so.

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screw the anemone then....if they wanna host that bad there is a large frogspawn in there



My pair host a frogspawn in my tank just fine.

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