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Hi modularduck. I'm from Portland as well. There are many reefers here and a great number of quality LFS'. Have you been to pnwmas.org? Portland has a great community of reefer's. No ill-will towards nano-reef, but a lot of the people here are from California and you know how us Oregonians feel about Californians. ;)

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lol ill check it out. thanks for the info jonny maybe we should have our own swap and frag although i might consist of 3 guys getting rained on drinking PBR. lol i harbor no ill will tward our freinds to the south other than i can't readily trade with them so just looking for others here to trade with. and we are lucky that there are so many good LFS here.

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  • 2 months later...
what you need green? i owuld be more than happy to get stuff for you!


i've got to drive up there sometime and check that place out.


better yet, i need to move there :lol: (seriously thinking about it, but wont be for at least a year)


depends where the jobs are at, but I'd like to live in salem/greshem or maybe lincoln city, newport, seaside, etc. Corvallis is nice too.

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JSW, howdy nice to meet you. you know seahorse is not far from you there in NOPO, super great guys and really nice coral selection.


green, yeah man if you come over this way let me know man i'll take you around to all the LFS, Upscales is really nice, they have a super selection of SPS tanks and tanks of the stuff all very reasonably priced and the guys there will do back flips to make you happy if you spend any time there. as for the job scene depends on what you want to do, i know your going to school for biology right? there are infact lots of reaserch jobs up at the local VA or OHSU. take a look on oregonlive.com for some job listings..





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I LOVE Upscales. It is like my top time favorite LFS (except that it's like 40 mins from my house, so my parents will never take me there). Also, Soutas is really good. And Pet's on broadway has amazing prices and really healthy stuff. I was there about a week ago, and they had this huge red blasto wellsi (12 heads maybe) for $100. I wanted it sooo bad, but I'm already in debt to my parents $100 so I'm not really in the position to buy anything.


Anyway, I'm so glad there are some other portland reefers on the board. We'll have to get some trades going soon ;)


Edit: LG- Leave you're "famous potatoes" behind. Move to Portland!

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Indeed i have already been talking to a couple of LFS about perhaps hosting a NR bbq or something of the like. its true i live in deep SE and its quite a drive but on the upside they have great stuff. have you been over to seahorse or saltwater fanteseas both have good coral selections and friendly staff. I like a lot of the stuff they have at Pet on Broadway but have found their prices a bit high for most stuff, but they too have a very friendly staff. you might also try Cayes pets on division.

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I haven't been to any of the places you mentioned, but I'm glad to hear that seahorse is good. I've been wanting to go there but from their website it looked kind of... not good (I guess?). Not that their website was bad, just the picture of the store itself.


Also, do you know of any stores in NW, It seems like they're all in NE, SE or lake oswego. <_<

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right now i don't know of ANY LFS over there. there is onw called world of wet pets on beaverton-hillsdale hwy but that too is SW. yeah seahorses site isn't the best but they make up for it...i mean free macro and drip lines. super cool. there is another little hole in the wall joint on 42nd in the hollywood district. don't remember it name though.

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Yeah, I've been to WWP and it's fine for fresh water, but the saltwater section is pretty bad. A new one just came up across the street called Aquaticus, and it has great people and coral. Thats the only one near me though.

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aquaticus is a cool shop. also don't forget Waves. and down south a little there's coral reef pet center which is also an awesome shop (just got a big shipment in), and advanced aquarium which also has a great selection.

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i've been meanin to get down to that place in salem just waitin till i have to go there for work. might as well get paid for the milage. lol. not heard of the others though but thanks for the tips....

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what are some other good places to live that are kind of buy the coast/willimate valley area? is there one city/area in particular that has the best saltwater stores?


I have a feeling I'd end up in salem, corvallis, or portland as I'm likely to try to get on with the government (central health, fish & game, something like that) or possibly go back to school at like oregon state so I could attend OHSU for dental school.


I want a beach house too though. Doesn't seem like there is as good of jobs on the coast (am i wrong?)

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i'm going to be stocking a bunch more sps in a couple of weeks. souta's was going to be my first choice, but...


seahorse? upscales? those i need to check out.


who has the most unique sps selection in your opinion?

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There's nothing in corvallis as far as LFS, but corvallis is a great place to live. small town, nice people, animal friendly and of course OSU. If you're looking to go back to school as a pre-dental I think OSU is a great place to do your prerequisites. Coming from the UC school system I just like the environment here better.


i'm going to be stocking a bunch more sps in a couple of weeks. souta's was going to be my first choice, but...


seahorse? upscales? those i need to check out.


who has the most unique sps selection in your opinion?


they're all close enough why not just make a day of it and check them all out? I have to drive for 1.5 hrs to get up there so I always make sure I check out at least 3 or so shops.

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yeah check out Waves he posted on pnwmas he just got a huge shipment in, and I heard coral reef center in salem also got a big shipment. are you on pnwmas.org? all the sponsors have their own forum and post when they get new stuff in or have sales regularly.

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I live in Oregon City. The two stores that I have spent the most cash are Waves and SW fanta-seas. I spend some time in Upscales, and just went to Aquaticus for the first time last week. And I finally made it to Advanced and CRPC in Salem. All nice stores. From some of the posts that I have read here, Portland has one of the best selections of LFSs in the US (and Canada)!!! Maybe only SoCal seems to have more and better.


I grew up in Gresham, and practically lived at Cayes. My parents kept freshwater since before my birth, and I grew up thinking that "going to the fish store" was a special treat.


There are a few other Oregon reefers that I have seen on this board. Reading this thread I saw a couple of new ones.


ModularDuck- forget a NR get together. There is a PNWMAS BBQ in August in Tigard. Come on and check it out!


LGreen- If you do come to P-town, let me know. I will also take you around to all the shops that I know of.


dsoz :)

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Lgreen - You could work at the Newport aquarium! I honeslty think there are no fish stores within 1.5 hours from anywhere on the Oregon coast. You could set up a coldwater tank and collect stuff. Portland is at most 1.5 hours from cannon beach, so going to the coast really isn't a big deal.


I would say Portland (and surrounding areas) has the best selection of fish stores.

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I live in Olympia, Wa. 2 hours away from pdx, but I'd be willing to make a drive if there was a frag swap.

You guys keep me posted on any future happenings.

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Have you heard about the coral farmers market? I don't want to sound like a commercial, but if this is your thing then you should know about it.


Steve Tyree and a bunch of other people are putting on a coral sale in Portland in August. If you get tickets before July 6 they are only $15. After that they are $25. Then at the door it is more (IDK how much).


There are supposed to be a bunch of "rare" corals for sale.


Check out http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/announcement.php?f=2 for more information. also http://www.nw-cfm.com


Please come, they would like about 100-150 people to show up, and I don't know if there is really that much interest in the Portland area so far.


My tanks is still so young that I would be affraid to get an expensive coral to put in it. I am tending to stick to the $10-15 a frag range. I still have not decided whether I am going. But I need to make up my mind soon if I am going to get a cheep ticket!


AaronJ- you could even join the www.PNWMAS.org forum (it does not cost to sign-up for the forum). It would be a good way to connect with people in the Portland area, and it will give you a chance to come to some "local" events. Our BBQ is in August. If you can stand the heat, come on down! It is always great to meet new people, and mix up the gene-pool a little. :) LOL


dsoz :)

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