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Cultivated Reef

Tank Crash: The Aftermath


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Ok, the story must be to long.... so i have shortened it...


4 weeks ago my tank crashed. This is what it looks like after redoing and rinsing off the live rock. Just remember "Green Star Polyp Heaven".


Since the crash, I added two cleaner shrimps, 2 percs, 1 bubble tip anemone, mushrooms, feather duster, lots of green.


Set up:

JBJ 36 watt pc

10 gallon sea clear acrylic hex tank


Let me know what you all think.



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Here is my new tank that i am going to set up in about a year once i move, it is roughly 60 gallons, half circle - custom made acrylic. Yeah i know the top is kind of tall, but its going to be an open top with a pulley type system to raise and lower the lights if needed over summer or winter, plus my freind is a woodworker, so i am just letting him have at it. Let me know what you all think of both my tanks. ALSO - GSP tip, with my experience they grow better under 50/50 pc lights. But trust me they can and will take over your tank...




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i like the clown and anemone.....can u give me some more info on the.....does the anemone move alot and how big does it get ect[splits?].....thanks

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Hey Unit,


The anemone is a bubble tip, and i have 2 false percula's. I have been lucky with my bta, it only moved in the area that i had set up for it, and it seems to enjoy it there. The bta is currently 6 inches in diameter if i had to estimate, it eats cut shrimp two times a week. I read as much as i could about BTA anemone's and they said when you arrange the rocks, leave plenty of crevices because that is where the BTA's like to put there foot. Mine has done that, it was in the sand before, but moved about 6 inches from where it was originally in the tank. I have a ten gallon tank with 36 watt pc. So far so good, a word of advice.... Make sure your powerheads are well covered with a sponge, or something to where if the anemone moves it wont get caught. Also, if you are at an lfs and see an anemone that you want and it is already attached to a rock then dont have it removed, buy the rock with it, because 99.9% of the time the foot will get damaged and it will slowly waste away. Hope that helps.




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