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Silly Mantis


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I knew something was harassing my corals... and by harassing, I mean crawling all over them after dark.


By some stroke of luck he fell off the rock he hides in and decided to take cover between a shell and the glass. By another stroke of luck, I caught him with the net...


If you can look past the blurriness... does this look like a baby mantis, or a bog standard amphipod?


img3540ub0.th.jpg img3543nj5.th.jpg img3549md2.th.jpg img3551op9.th.jpg

img3552ho2.th.jpg img3555yu4.th.jpg




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yea, after looking around I came to the same conclusion (see my edit above ;)). It moves amazingly fast though, and I've got tons of other pods in my tank... so I thought it was something special :(


eh well..

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yup just a pod. If it were a baby mantis, at that size I don't think it would be chilling on the bottom. It would swim in the water column.

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