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Must See Picture of my new urchin

Sea Slug

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The Species is " Diadema Urchin " , the scientific name is " Astropyga Radiata " . Some common names that it goes by is .


Blue Spot Urchin

Radiant Sea Urchin

Red Sea Urchin ( Does not mean it comes from the Red Sea )


I got it from a buddy of mine , they are VERY LARGE and will wipe out unwanted algea quickly . That being said they also ( Like most urchins eat coraline algea ) The one that I got is about the size of a baseball and moves quickly for an urchin . The picture believe it or not doesn't come close to doing the colors justice it looks like an alien space ship :lol: . In a very short time he'll have to be fed sheet algea to keep him full . If he devlops a taste for corals he'll have to go , but I also have blue tux . urchins in my tanks and they have not been a problem over the years . This species and sea hares are the only two I know of that can wipe out a tank full of hair algea in a matter of days . The thing to keep in mind with Diadema Urchins is there spines are very painfull , it gets into your flesh and breaks off into pieces , the more your muscle tissue flexes the deeper the spines work into your body . So if you find one caution ( to say the least ) must be used when handling or putting your hands into the tank .

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They keep unwanted algea out of the system ( they eat it ) , but will knock over your corals or pick them up and carry them around if you don't secure them well .

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  • 2 weeks later...

i had one of these things, just for a day though.


it is literally the most amazing animal i have ever seen for the salt water hobby.


i had to bring it back because it is a coral eater. beware! i have the CORAL magazine and one month it was dedicated to urchins and they listed this urchin as a coral eater. so i took it back the next day.

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Hmm...... Interesting My research shows it's an Omnivore , but I am aware that some experts consider them not reef safe while others say they are , but do not do well in captivity ( due to starvation ) . He lives in my prop tank ( LPS & Soft Corals ) and so far has not been a problem . He stays below the the egg crate and I feed him every day . If he did start eating corals I would transfer him to a fish only tank right away . Below are a couple of links to info . The scientific name is " Astropyga Radiata "





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fraggle rockette

very pretty... i would love an urchin but a) my tank is too small and B) i poke myself with blunt objects. not a pet for me. :P

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