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Cultivated Reef

Noonan's 14g BC


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I have alot saltwater knowledge/experiance- hell, Im the manager of my LFS. I havent had much time for tanks, but I have been lurking NR and talking to others about tanks- and I really wanted a nano reef.


Well.. I bit the Nano Reef bug and finally broke down and "relapsed".


I purchased a Oceanic Biocube. Its a 14 gallon aquarium with built in wet/dry filtration, and reef lighting. Basicially- Its an all in one package.


The biocube cost me $200. I bought sea water (4.4 gallons @ $13 a gallon x 2). Livesand ($20 for 20lbs, only used about 12lbs) and live rock ($6.49/lb - purchsed 16lbs).


Took it all home, added the sand, added the rock, filled it up and plugged it in. Im going to let it run for about a week.


Heres a few pictures, their ######ty. The tank is cloudy since I just set it up. Ill take more as it clears up.












Above the tank shot


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I got a decent discount, didn't really state it but I made out well on the live rock. My boss let a few lbs slide considering I bought everything else- but in all I have about 16lbs.


...with a 15% discount on top of it all.

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sounds good. well good luck. i think someone will chime in on too soon on the fish.. but do what you feel is right and test yor water. probably could have the workers at the store test it for u daily.

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I had to edit my original post. I originally posted it on a car forum since some of them are interested in nano reefs. I wanted to explain it to them, since they dont know much about it- but theres no need to explain it to you guys since you know already.

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Aquascaping is cool, what type of LR is it? :D

Oh, get rid of the bioballs/ drip tray and add more water and some live rock rubble to chamber two.

Good luck!

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Im working on it, just wanted to run it stock for a few days.


I plan on adding the rubble, chemipure, and algone soon.


I like the aquascaping alot. Its hard to see, but the rock to the left curves upward and actually slopes perfectly into the middle rock which continues to slope up to the third rock so I have PLENTY of room for goodies :)

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Another update. Added a few hermits, turbo snails, a peppermint shrimp, and an emerald crab. I have also aquired a hitchhiker which I believe is a sea hare.









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nice, i got my tank for 150 shipped free from ebay.

theres about 3 shops around in sac.. 1 new one has very nice stuff. i will be adding LR later on. My burfday is tomorrow, ill be 26 on the 26th. WOOHOO!

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