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Lighting a Refugium


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I have a 20gal Flat Back Hex with a HOB refugium from Fuge Guy (The guy on E-Bay) I bought a little AZOO light to light the reugium. However, I want to run the light 24/7 but it is very bright and leaks light into my main tank. Will this keep my fishies up at night? How stressful is this for them?





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Originally posted by Nishant3789

yea i had that prblem too try wraping hte fuge up in a black towel or with constrction paper.


Then you could cut out little stars and crescent moons so they shine on your walls and ceiling. Make sure you use safty scissors. Some pasted on glitter would be slammin' too. :P

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Thanks for the replies,


I don't think wrapping the fuge will work in my case, because of where the light is located. Also the back of the tank is already painted black. Will the light that is shinning through keep the fishies up? Will it stress them out?





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so why not paint the fuge black? i know you wont be able to see anything inside it but oh well. heh satch cute, maybe ill try that

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The light is not leaking from the fuge itself. It is because the light is sitting about 2" above the fuge. I can't adjust the light any lower because of it's design. The only thing I can think of would be to change the style of light. That cost more money though. :*(



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Hey Connor, In my case I just let the light bleed into the tank from my fuge. The light has a moon light effect and i can see my night creatures moving about. My clown has no problems sleeping with the back light and my corals still close as if it is dark in the tank. Compared to the strong lighting during the day the little bit of bleed thru light is is hardly noticed by anything in my tank. It has been that way for a least six months and i have not noticed any decline in the health of any of my livestock. HTH

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My experience is much the same as apophis924.

The JBJ Clamp on light I have can be angled, so I just angle it a bit towards the wall and away from the tank thereby minimizing the light bleeding into the tank.

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Everyone for the advise. I will try for a week and see if my animals stress out. If they do I will build the box as suggested, if they don't I will be a happy man.



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