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Weird white GROWTH on my live rock.


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I got new LR a few days ago and I am starting to notice a weird growth. I use the word growth because I am sure its not dead coraline, which most people would guess. It's hard to descrbie but I'll do the best I can.


It sort of looks like frosting, hard snow and slush all at the same time. It's about 3 inches in diameter right now. If I look close I can see small strands. I can scrape the white stuff off very easily. I personally like the looks, but I want to make sure it's not harmful to my tank.


Thanks, Mr Weeyagi

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Not sure what it is, but I htink I have the same stuff on the underside of several of my polyp rocks. Probbally some form of squirt or something. Doesn't seem to be doing any harm, so I'm not worried.

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I have the same stuff. Mine covers about 1/3 of my rock. I hope its not bad stuff. I figured it was just one of the stages the LR goes through.



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It sounds like some kind of white sponge...they come and go with LR and usually grow on undersides away from bright light...not bad at all.

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