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Coral Vue Hydros

confused?(Coral Banded Shrimp)


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ok im reading online that Coral Banded Shrimp many times will kill slow moving fish but i also they hear that there cleaner shrimp and will clean fish and get rid of parasites so im confused dose he kill or clean fish? my two clown fish seem scared of him so even if they do get a parasite with they let him clean them?

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Scott Riemer

Don't know much about CBS. Sorry there.


What I do know is my 2 Ocellaris will not let my Skunk Cleaner Shrimp touch them.

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I would avoid coral banded shrimp.....The second I put the one I had in my tank, it tried to kill my false perc. and had the fun habit of picking up mushrooms and throwing them (then just walking away). Belligerent little guy....

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i think if they catch a parasite most likely they will die if not treated (medicine/chemical). do not rely on the shrimp in any way to "clean" your fish.

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They will perform cleaning behaviors, but they're murderous scum that would sooner kill your shiny new cleaner shrimp than scavenge uneaten mysis. DO NOT BUY THESE, nor arrow crabs. Demon swine!

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have a cbs in my 24 gallon nano for over a year.. He does lunge at the fish when they are close to him, but he never seems to be able to catch them.. they actually pick on him once in awhile... i love having him in my tank, but it is possible that he is an exception.. he has eaten hermits before, but hasn't touched one in months.. ive heard that there lunging motion is actuallly an attemp to clean but it does look aggressive... i dont really feel he is too dangerous because when my fish sleep they are vulnerable and he doesnt bother them.. in the end it is completly up to u.. so far for me the reward way outweighs the risk... i would recomend getting a tiny one and letting him grom up with fish already in the tank...

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I've had customers whose CBS's are the size of a dinner plate, not including antennae. And I've seen plenty attack fish and shrimp, not just slow-moving ones; it's a matter of acting like a cleaner and then grabbing them when the moment arises.

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They will perform cleaning behaviors, but they're murderous scum that would sooner kill your shiny new cleaner shrimp than scavenge uneaten mysis. DO NOT BUY THESE, nor arrow crabs. Demon swine!


I agree completely, every time I goto the LFS I see one of these guys doing something bad. Either eating a fish or picking at coral.


I was at Pecto once and they had a CBS and an Arrow crab in the same take. By the time I left the CBS was dead.

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  • 1 month later...

they must not like seahorses b/c at my lfs we have a small coral banded shrimp in with them >.>


lets say you did want one what would be the smallest tank you could put 1 in?

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  • 2 months later...

I have had a true mated pair of coral banded shrimp in my nano for two months with no problems at all...................Until yesterday!!


I put some formula 1 pellets in for my pair of percs and bi-color blenny, and when the blenny came out of his hole to grab one, the male CBS got hold of him with both pincers for about 20 secs :eek: . I thought he was a gonner. But the the CBS just let him go. There isn't a mark on the blenny, but he doesn't seem to eager to come out of his hole as often :huh:


However, I didn't like what i sore so phoned the LFS who said they would be happy to change them for two Skunk Cleaners.


Only problem now is.....I CAN'T CATCH THEM!!!


Every time the net goes in they dart behind the LR. I really don't want to take everything out, so has anyone got any suggestions?

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