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Coral Vue Hydros

&^%$# heater!


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apparently while i was at work today. my freaking heater malfunctioned! it was a brand new ebo jaguer 50 watt! it boiled my nano!. all the live rock critter are now dead!. little white bodies floating every where! grrrrrr!!!!!!! oh well at least that crazed shrimp is dead now. any chance some of the critters survived? i'm gonna have a huge cycle after this! oh well i guess it was all going to easy something bad had to happen. water temp was up to 100 degrees. i found out that i had a bunch more hitch hikers then what i thought i did. their all floating now too. i had one tube worm survive thought. we'll see how long he makes it. that *%$@ heater's going back to the lfs tomorrow!

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nah i doubt they'll even take the damn thing back. the lady that owns the place is a biznich. all her emploeyy's are cool though, even if most of them don't know their head from a hole in their @$$. i'm just ####ed about my lr it was such a cool peice all full of hole and covered w/ deep purple and green coraline alge, and a host of hitchikers. i found a bunch of itty bitty starfish that look almost like spiders a minute ago. to bad their all dead now. the only thing that looks as if it surrvived is a tube worm. i just did a 50% water change becuase my amonia was up around 2.0. yesterday afternoon it was at 0. everything died. that really sucks. aybe i can at least salvage the coraline alge and the tube worm. any one know where i can get something to seed the critters and bacteria back on to my rock? or do i just have to get new stuff and wait until i colonizes this peice agian? i put in the itty bitty filter that came with the tank to try and filter out some of the amonia. throught the ammo-carb that's in the media. hopefully that helps.

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Been there, done that. Boiled a damsel, no great loss. J/K.


Ask if you can grab a scoop of their LS for your tank. They sold you a crappy heater. Seems like they owe you.


Good luck, you'll get over it!

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After I discovered I had been boiling for a few days (didn't have one of those little stick on temp gagues) I bought a new heater, a new temp gague and happily set of for nano heaven and haven't looked back.


Don't worry about it. At least it happened during cycling and you doidn''t lose a tank full of corals and fish and inverts!

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that's one way to look at it. thanks agian bro. hopefully the owner of the store where i got the heater wont be an @$$. i really don't like going there but it's the only place with in 80 miles and they do have a pretty good selection of fish, and the plces it clean. she's just an @$$.

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no kidding man. There's been a ton of posts lately about ######ty heaters. You're probably the luckiest one I've read about. Think about if you boiled your corals. It's been done a lot lately.

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here's the update from when i took the heater back to the crapp lfs where i bought it. the owner told me it was my fault becuase i use the heater in to small of a tank, then she told me that a nano reef was not possible and that it was entirely my fault. how's a heater breaking my fault? anyway, i was going to buy this semi nice peice of rock she had to replace the bacteria and critters that the heater had boiled, but she wouldn't sell it to me becuase it was a trade in from a customer and had a small peice of coral it. (looks like it was just a peice about .5 inches in diameter left from when the customer took off the coral to keep it) the coral was almost dead. so i had to buy a peice of her crappy lr. but that had an even bigger peice of encrusting coral of some sort on it. (will post pics soon) needless to say i won't be going back. and to top it all of she wouldn't take the heater back.

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Definately contact the mfg of the heater and tell them what happened. They might try to make amends for the doofus' at the lfs.


Sounds like she doesn't want to stay in business very long.


I go to a lfs that has almost the same attitude. They will begrudgingly refund/replace an item, but only after they make sure you know they didn't want to. I do as little business with them as possible.


Sorry about your tank.



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