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Green Grass That Won't Stop


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I have some green grass growing like weeds in my tank. It constantly grows over the corals blocking out the light. I have a sally light footed crab that I thought would help. "NOT" Please help!

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I have the same problem. I pull out the stuff by hand and just got an emerald crab. If you solve your problem let me know. PM me asap! Good luck!

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I scrape it off with a scalpel(sp?) and get into the live rock when I do so. It's worked fairly well, but I still have a little bit of growth.

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From what I know it'll be high levels of phosphate in your

tank causing nuisance algae.


phosphate causes:


using tap water for changes/top up ( use RO water from LFS)


poor filtration (do you have a skimmer??)


poor lighting (algae thrives in sub standard lighting)




hope this helps



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looks like tradition hair algae to me.


I would suggest using RO Water, and continue doing water changes to export the additional nutrients in the water.

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