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ack! help help help!!!!!!!!


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my buddy just gave me a really cool bright orange starfish for my nano. my cycle being complete , we decided to place him in the tank last night. well about the time we get him in the power company blows 2 transformers right out side the doorm. the they blow 4 more when the cross the phases hooking every thing back up. well anyway, the power finally came back on about 2 this morning. i look at my tank to see if everting's ok with the starfish, and he's got a big @$$ hole chewed out of him! as far as i know i had no other tank inhabitants besides a couple of hitchiking featherdusters (i think, still new to this, so i'm trying to id them.) well i get to looking and i find a red and white shrimp hidden in the lr. he looks like he's a peppermint shrimp as far as i can tell. are their other shrimp that look similar to this? could this shrimp be the culprit? the star fish seemd to survive the incident but i don't know how much longer he will live. is there anything i can do for him? also does anyone know what kind of star fish he is? he's just solid florecent orange. he's about 1.5" or 2" in diameter. matt (that's the friend who gave him to me( said that he'd had him for about two months but didn't know for sure what kind he was. thanks for any help.

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Sounds like a fromia star. You can look at the dreaded Dr.s Foster and Smith website...they have some pics.


Stars are a little wierd. They sometimes die mysteriously. Sometimes they mysteriously lose a leg. One of the LFS here says that most that he's sold have only lived about 6 months in captivity. I had one that live almost a year. No one I've talked to knows why.

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he didn't make it. i was hoping he'd recover but he didn't have a chance. the shrimp finished him off this morning. the star fish wuld try and crawl away but the shrimp just kept after him. :( dang shrimp! X) i'm goign to post some pics of the little bastage so maybe you guys can id him and let me know waht i might can keep with him or if i just need to take him back to the lfs. maybe i should just squish him. no i can't do that. i'm too nice. dang i hate it when i have fish that die! : that just really hacks me off. :angry:

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