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First fish question


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Hi. I just finished cycling my 10g nano. I was wondering about the orange spot prawn goby. Does anyone has any of these? The guy at the LFS says they are hardy and get about 4 inches and good for my 10g as long as he is the only fish i put in there. I currently have about 10-12 lbs or live rock/rubble and about 12 lbs of live finely crushed aroganite. Anything else i should know about them? Any information or comments would be extremely helpful. Thanks

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I wouldn't put one in because of the tank size BUT if you do choose to you'll wanna wait a while and let the food supply in your sand bed stabilize before you add one. You'd be better off choosing something else to start with.


They are hardy fish but gobies are known as jumpers....another major turn off for nano-keepers with open lids.



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thanks for the advice. Unfortunately, I already purchased the fish, but if he's going to be hard to feed, I can always return him. What would be some better fish for my 10g? I want to go for gobies, I think so are there any better choices for a beginning nano reefer? Thanks again.

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My yellow watchman goby stays under his rock ALL the time. Shares his hole with a bristleworm! Every so often he pokes his head out but if he sees someone coming near the tank he rushes back to his hole. Kind of pointless to have a fish I can't see. I'm guessing he comes out at night and cruises around looking for food, because he doesn't come out when I feed during the day. Very frustrating IMO!!

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