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Are anemone's bad in a nano??/?


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I am a new reefer, and I recently heard that you arent supposed to have anemone's in a small tank. i have purchased everything i have from the same store (there is only one that carries saltwater in my area) the owner knows everything about my tank he helped me set it up yet he sold me two curlique anemones and a "flower anemone" I like them they are very interesting to watch, however the one has gotten very large for my twenty gallon tank. I do want to have alot of corals eventually but i am pacing myself so i dont go broke. At the moment i have some mushroom corals and a pink finger coral, two clownfish, a red hawkfish, and yellow tang.


Should i see if he will let me trade back the anemones and get more corals instead??/???????/

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Id look into trading em back...

They are super cool and I have one in my 55...but they'll do more harm then good in a nano.

They will kill your corals, and dump alot of waste into the water. Especially with that many, your nitrates would probably eventually go sky high.

Trade em in for some nice lil frags of xenia or something pretty but simple for your tank.

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Do a search here on anemones, as there is a TON of info. Generally speaking they're not a good idea. Also, a 20 gallon tank is too small for a yellow tang, so I suggest taking it back as well. Always research about things before you buy them, regardless of what your lfs tells you. For future reference it also helps to give your complete tank specs (age, lighting, equipment, lr, ls, water params, etc, etc.) when asking a question.

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I will go against the wind here - an anemone in a 20 is fine as long as you have proper lighting! :)


Good luck.

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I'm with Absolute, take the right precautions and anemones such as bubble-tips and condys can be done in a tank 20g and even smaller.


I like bubbles, I think they're extremely easy in a well-maintained tank and keep well under less-than-optimal light if you feed them frequently by hand. I've never had a condy myself, so my opinions on them are all solely second-hand (or third or fourth....).


However, a curlique anemone I assume is another name for long-tentacled or corkscrew aneone (H. malu). These are not near as easy to keep, bleach very easily, and really like to wander (probably because they prefer the sand, but can't get enough light there).


Flower anemones can refer to a few different things. Most frequently it's to the tube anemones, which are gorgeous and easier than real anemones, but have a nasty habit of eating fish (clowns aren't protected from their nemotocysts, either).

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Ack, and now I just find a few references to curlique anemones being another name for rock anemoens of the aiptasi family. Like the flower anemones, quite aggressive and now very fish-friendly, but very easy to keep if fed regularly.


My bad.

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thanks, i really appreciate your responses!!! i am just a begginer and i dont really know much. My yellow tang is very small really, i got the smallest one they had. Do you really think i need to replace him, he is so fun to watch. But if its for the best. Also i have never hand fed an anemone, my curliques grab fish food out of the water but my flower anemone never has, he recoils if a any food lands on him, so i just give them some stuff called invertabrate smorgasbord, i have had him for about a month and he seems to be doing fine.



thanks agian!!

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