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Best way to get rid of Debris...??


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I just moved from my 7mini to my 18 via aqua and have added 12lbs of new cured tonga live rock. This rock seems to have alot of debris hanging on it. I have done a 5 gallon water change just a day after adding my old livestock,old cycled rock,old 10lbs of LS to the new tank which had 20lbs of new LS and 18galloons of LFS seatwater and of course the new 12lbs tonga rock. So The tank seems to be clearing now, but still alot of loose debris on the rock. Is there any fish or inverts I can throw in there to clean the debris off the rock? I have been running foam filters on my powerhead and in my fuge to help gather the debris now, but would lvoe to find something to eat it all up.

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turkey baster comes in handy for spot cleaning (blowing off - then sucking up) I also used a powerhead for blasting stuff off rock.


If there is a good deal of material hanging off of the rock, manual removal is probably best bet.

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What do you have in the way of a cleanup crew in the tank? Depending on what the debris is, some snails and/or crabs might very well help. A lot of debris usually just disappears more or less on its own (ok, with the help of current, snails, crabs, etc.) with some time and patience.

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