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Cultivated Reef

what fish was it?


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I saw on someones nano site recently (yesterday) a goby or blennie of some sort..... His rear half was striped and his head was yellowish, maybe some red....

Im so ####ed I cant remember whose tank/page it was. I think the guys name was Gil and it was a very nice nano...

ANyone have any clues on what fish this is? Thanks



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green banded gobies.


Inlandaquatics.com was supposed to get a shipment in on the 10th and the gobies were supposed to be included.


I want one too.

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They are pretty sweet. NOw teh question: Keep the perc or get the bandede gobenstein? hmm........


:scratching chin:

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shes a 5.5 aga.

Two is doubtful......

I like the perc alot, but maybe i can convince my buddy who is starting his own 5.5 to get the green bnaded bastard. :)

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$20 is a sweet price for that critter! I'm alittle hung over today, so before I do a search on "green banded bastard" and get 55 Ron Jeremy hits, how big does that bugger get? Typical Goby ~3 to 4 inches?

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