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H.reidi rearing log - Day 5


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My H. reidi had babes last friday morning. I did not catch the release, and had to fish the few survivors out of the sump. I keep a sponge there for pod reproduction and that saved 9 baby seahorses.


The same day, Friday, 3 died. Ever since then, the 6 left are still alive and eating.


Having only 6 to care for is a great advantage as I am bale to ensure eachone is eating properly. At first, I kept them all in a 600 mL tupperware container, on a shelf above a 12G nano I had setup weeks earlier. This set up allowed me for constant watr changes and multiple daily feedings of newly hatched BBS.


Now I have moved them into a 5.5 G tank, only about 1/3 of the way full. Besides the babies, there is nothing in there besides a couple species f caulerpa, 2 tiny rocks holding the plants, a fake plnt and a small screen they can use to hitch onto. One of them was in fact hitched this morning, which is a good sign.


I have started hatching BBS and refrigerating them to slow down growth and ensure they are small enough for thebabies to eat them still.


I decided to wait until now to write because the first barrier to crack when attempting to raise seahorses is 5 days. I am less than 6 hours away from that goal ( estimated time of birth), so I wanted to get this here. I will contnue updting as things move along.


Oh, one more thing. The dad is pregant again.





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Congrats! Pick up the new marine fish and reef magazine for 2007. a GREAT article for captive rasing of seahorses! let me know how it goes!!

Where can I find the magazine?

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petco or petsmart. really just try a chain store they usually carry them. good magazine too, wish it was monthly....





Here, let me type out some of the article for you.




"The real heartbreak is that for most home aquarists, the fry grow well at first, but then die off at between 2 and 5 weeks of age. In some cases, the cause may be deteriorating water quality, but in most instances, the problem stems from nutritional deficiencies in the fry's food. Prior to being fed to larval seahorses, brine shrimp must be first fortified with highly unsaturated fatty acids [HUFAs] in order to improve their nutritional profile."


That is what is recommended for the above age. If you need another snippet, let me know. I can type it out for ya. still, you may want to get the magazine so you can read the article in its entirety. Good luck!



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If you ever want to raise the whole fry go to seahorse.org they have a great hatchery that is relatively easy and tips on how to keep the fry alive, dont reidi take a few weeks to hitch b/c they are peligic seahorses? Good luck H.reidi are pretty difficult to raise, have you ever raised any before?

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