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ocellaris move right in


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well about 4 days ago i went against my better judgement and bought a pair of ocellaris that have been together for 2 years and are great together. the males is about 3 inches (half black half orange and the female is about 4 and a 1/2 inches and is all orange the bad judgement part was putting them in with a small black sabae i knew they prolly would not get along but couldnt resist the clowns. well to my suprise they dont fight at all they all swim together while the sabae nips at the male ocellaris once in a great while and not very hard(havnt seen it lately) but i want to mate the ocellaris i was wondering if i should take the sabae out or not willk this invade the mating or no the only other mate is a small yellow tang. Also the funniest thing happened today the big female snatched the sabae's anemone and he doesnt even care so i went out and bought another one and they seem happy now. but the big female now tries to run both of the anmeone's i mean there just condylactus and this is a tank raised ocellaris here.

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If your going to try and mate the pair it would be best to move the sebae. He may not be mean now.....he will be though when he get's bigger.....


Just my .02 worth



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The ocellaris will likely not even attempt mating with another clownfish in the tank, unless they can integrate it itno their family unit. Not likely with a Sebae.


Are you sure it's a true Sebae? They're usually much more skittish around other clowns than most species. If it's a Sebae-colored Clark (often sold as a Sebae), it'd better explain its behavior with the Ocellaris pair.

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its a sabae ive owned cklarkii's for a long time and i know the diff this one isnt as wide bodied as the clarks and is black not the light color

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