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Rare orange Pavona Maldivensis F/T in WA only


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Let me make it known up front: I don't want to deal with shipping. Sorry. A) with trades it's not worth it because of the high cost of shipping, and B) too many issues, possible screwups, etc. I am experienced in shipping, and this species ships well, however I will not do it.


I have a LARGE (double the size you'd normally see at an LFS) for TRADE. Goes online for $30-50 per square inch, and this is 5x4", so 20 square inches. Looking to get $100-150 trade value.


Nice macro.




It's really more orange than it looks. Not much room in my tank, but I am in the market for a regular Remora skimmer, really nice zoas (I have the common rare ones like Eagle Eyes, green & orange in various forms, etc. Looking for really nice, colorful morphs. Other stuff? NO room for frogspawn/Euphyllids, leathers, other branchy softs, etc., or anemones. Would do trade + cash, too.


I'm just north of Seattle (not as far as Everett, lol), and would gladly meet halfway. Post here or PM me! :)



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I'd ship it to you if you wanted, Six. I know you're good people.

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hrm.... well, what type of lighting is it under right now? are you going to keep a frag for yourself at least? :)

im thinkin about it.... ill see what i have that you may like.

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I know you have some awesome stuff I'd like; neat favia, zoas, etc. I should keep a frag, since it is starting to color up. I have a 150 watt HQI pendant, 20,000K, 8" above the surface, and the coral was more slanted downward when it was browner; now it's higher up and parallel with the ground--toward the top, far back corner (see my fts in my tank thread; click my sig pic below and go to the last or second-to-last page)--and coloring up, as well as polyping out really well. Saw some half-inch sweepers going downwind last night; crazy! PM me some photos of what you have, or a link to a photo gallery or whatnot. My internet's been screwy, so I can only use it at work or at my parents' house until it gets straightened out at my house. I have most of the common "rare stuff", but, well, you can see what i have in my tank thread. :)

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