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Seph's Student Prop Tank


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This is my preliminary design. The shelving design I think brings alot more out of the confined space. And it still leaves me alot of room for a soap dish.



70w MH k-2 Viper w/14000k



Aqua clear power filter



Maxijet 600 (EDIT, 900 is too much I would think)



Havent decided, but I want a HOB Skimmer of some sort.


I will eventually put a fuge on it as well, or perhaps a second Aqua clear to use as one would work just as well, As long as I grated the overflow.


Picture time, you guys should like this.



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hehe, whoops thats kinda something to tell. Its only going to be a ten to start with. It will get bigger tho I am sure, if things go well that is... Heh.

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HAHA!! I can only wish that were the case. I found a pretty cool program called sketch up from google. the little dude is there for giggles I guess. what do you think of the design tho?

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HAHA!! I can only wish that were the case. I found a pretty cool program called sketch up from google. the little dude is there for giggles I guess. what do you think of the design tho?

Looks good--now set it up!!!

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Still looking for an idea on the skimmer. I was thinking about the prism. And possibly a 2.5 gallon fuge to start with underneath my ripped off tv stand. Being a college student, I need all the money I can get.


Picture time! This is the placement of it. Fosi Suggested an ATO which I agree with. So I have my 5 gallons of RO water to feed it. Nice huh?


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Balla816 JUST Supplied me with a prism skimmer! So big THANK YOU for that.

I should have that by the end of the week. And I am going to mix the saltwater IN the tank to save me some hassel. It will be better cured that way (I belive)


Any suggestions for a good salt mix?

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The Propagator
I think it looks like 1000 gallons with that little guy on the right side there. It's the PPG Aquarium!



Soon my young Padewan.... Soonnnnnnnnn *sinister grin*


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Yay, My tax return DID NOT come in today, and here I was hoping to have some fun. So I went out skateboarding around downtown instead. heh. since 9 and now its almost 3. It was fun, you should try it!


Anywho, just wanted to let everyone know that this is on hold until I can get my freaking tax return which may not be here until the 20th... damn... What can ya do tho? Oh well.

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Yay, My tax return DID NOT come in today, and here I was hoping to have some fun. So I went out skateboarding around downtown instead. heh. since 9 and now its almost 3. It was fun, you should try it!


Anywho, just wanted to let everyone know that this is on hold until I can get my freaking tax return which may not be here until the 20th... damn... What can ya do tho? Oh well.

Don't make me go Nuhtty on you.

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Eh, I gotta wait on the tax return, I have no real choice. I got bills to pay like everyone else... darn the luck.


It was actually nice to get out and skate, even tho I screwed up my knee again.

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New thought, tell me what you think. Opinions are great.


Im thinking more of the 2.5 gal all-glass underneath in the cabinet for LR. Would it even be usefull if I put the live rock in with no light? Or would I be wasting time/money. I think it would at least keep live rock cured so i can bust it up for plugs and stuff, if nothing else.


If i did this, i would have an overflow drilled to pipe it down, the use the maxijet600 w/a spraybar to return.


it would mean fun with PVC... I miss construction.


And my final question of the night. For people selling frags (Mvite and Propagator!), dose the LR seem more popular as a base for proped corals, the calcium tile from lowes, or the plugs? Which do buyers like more?

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it all depends on the seller. i have about 50 frags on tiles, only for the fact is its easier to move around and stays up right. but most like it on rocks.. so i always have some rubble handy.

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Well, I am snowed in with no tax return. So, Im fine tuning I guess. Here is the stand.




Dang! It looks GOOOOOD with a 15 gallon on there... What do you guys think?


I am going to add in the other Graphics as I finish them, step by step.

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Awesome sketchup plans! I still can't get the hang of it though, any good tutorals on how to make hexagon shapes? I'm planning my 10G hex'es mods and need to design a canopy for it.

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Um, I am not sure on that, I would think you would need to draw it out with measurements as a basic shape. Then just go from there. To bad I dont have auto-cad. That would make this EASY.


Thanks tho! Once I the filter and stuff, I will sketch it in, then shelf placement, and what not.


I am debating however, a bulkhead overflow drilled into the tank, and perhaps a 20H to account for lighting needs for multiple specimens.

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Well, yesterday sucked. My doors froze shut, and so did I. But today has been a good day. I have started collecting my tank!


First off, I have everything on order. I'm going with a 15 gallon, and a 2.5 sump for the LR. The 15 will be drilled and have a bulkhead, with PVC flowing down to the 2.5. From there, it is dumped onto one side of the 2.5 and a Maxi-Jet 900 will be picking it up and returning it to the main tank. So far, I have updated picks of what I have done.







EDIT FEB 18, 2007

Today I picked up the shelving material for the tank from Home Depot, along with glue and silicone sealant from my local LFS. The tank will be going up over the week, along with more photos.


I saw in the other thread in this forum most people prefer LR rubble to the tiles/plugs. So I guess I will be going with rubble from here out. You get the added benefit of the filtration from the rock in the sump as well. To each their own I guess.


My local LFS 'Atlantis' carries cured LR in his system at all times. And stays on top of marking the arrival dates of the rock, so you know how long it has been in his system. Which is something I have never seen an LFS do before. (Advantage with that for me)


Let me know what you guys think so far. Its been a pretty dead thread so far.

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I added that small shelf/tray to add in filter floss during times I feed, if I frag items such as candy canes and blastos.



A little tidying up the place. This will keep everything right in my control, and easy to see with any light on in the room.



finally, while taking pictures the g/f's cat decided to come and c heck out my handy work.


what do you guys think? I'm open to all suggestions!

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Looks great so far! I think you've got the right idea.


Are you going with a 10 or 15g? Always, always go bigger. The size for the lighting wont make a difference, so I'd do the 15. Also, think about upsizing your 'fuge/sump. A 5g looks like it would fit just as well in the space, maybe a little tall, but you'll like the heigth when you're realizing how much water fits ina 2.5g sump. unless your return line has a siphon break that is super fast, it's going to overflow your sump quickly with just a 2.5. you're not going to be able to fill it far and thus wont add on much volume, which IMO would be an ideal reason to have a sump.


so, i'd think about a larger sump. IMO, which is ghetto style at times, I'd put a rubbermaid trashcan or something stupid on the side of the stand and use that as a sump.


Other than that, I think you've got a good set up. You just may want to put more thought into the sump. also, you plan to use it as a sump, or fuge? (go with FUGE! you'll breed microinverts for food and can put extra plugs in there too hold and encust with coaline -hopefully).



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Its a 15 gallon drilled, Six.


I want to up to a 5 gallon, as soon as I can afford to do so. (i would of had to order one, and pay shipping) Right now, I just want to get started, and hopefully make some good turnaround to upgrade. I actually desinged a siphon break, which I will have to post here soon as I get to building it. Simple design, simple drilled hole.


the 2.5 as I said is a starter for the time being. Its going to house the LR for the frag mounts, and act as my bio/mech filtration. When I get the money, I will upgrade to a 5, with lighting.


Being a college student is cool and all... but i wish I had more money to put towards this.


Thanks Six!

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I might do a thin, and i mean thin layer of substrate. The tiles, In the other thread were a big downer for buyers. So I may just stick with doing Live Rock clumps and plugs. we will see tho. Depends on what people want really.

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