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Cultivated Reef

M Tank as a nano -- thoughts?


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Does anyone have experience using the M Tank (http://www.northcoastmarines.com/MTANK.htm) as a nano? I'm looking for something as self-contained and simple as possible for my office.


The M Tank is similar to the UniQuarium, with integral filter area in back of tank, but includes a skimmer and lights (72w PC). They call it 18g but multiplying their dimensions of 24" x 14" x 15" and dividing by 231 I get 21.8g. In any case I'd probably want to upgrade the lights and have asked NCM if they'll sell without. I also asked if the wet/dry area (4.5" of the 14" depth) could be converted to a refugium.


Any input would be appreciated. I formerly had a 150g reef and have been jonesing for 2 years since we moved into an apartment where it's not practical to set up a tank. I figure I spend more time in the office anyway, so want to try a nano there.



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hehe, they sell those at my LFS. I have the exact same lighting as well, except 110 watts and 2x 55.



Anyways, it works pretty good, but the skimmer ain't the best but overall it's a pretty good setup, i'm sure that you could set something up on your own for a little more, but much better items, accesories equipment etc.

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Yeah, I mainly liked the tank itself -- the integrated filter/refugium seems like a good setup, and the M Tank has the best dimensions (and price) I've found so far.


Anyone have comments or alternatives?

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i made a tank for my girlfriend that looks almost exactly like that tank only its a little narrower and 15 gallons. im gonna have to take some pics of it to show everyone. its been running almost a year now.

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The main problem I see with the tank itself is the narrow 9.5" depth for landscaping in combination with the 24" width.


I think the lighting would be fine since the main tank is the size above. As for using the filter section as a fuge I doubt it would work as set up, the pump looks to be setting in the bottom of that section. Though the pictures aren't clear.

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Looks nice. I just pulled my nano apart and here's why, may give you something to think about. I have an 18 gallon acrylic nano and cleaning algae off it is a real pain - 10x the work of glass. That alone will keep me from doing acrylic again in a nano - cleaning around the rockwork and knocking frags over constantly got old.


Ditto on not much space to aquascape.


I am going to pull all the sand out of mine and just put a dusting of gravel on bottom instead this time and redo the sump area since it's bowing a little bit (going to glue a piece of acrylic bracing in).

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That is something to think about, thanks. No doubt there are copious past threads on acrylic vs glass, so I will search the archive rather than re-igniting the debate here.


The lack of front-to-back space you and lizbeth flagged is also a worry. The M Tank is better proportioned than similar built-in filter tanks like the UniQuarium, but you're right that it's still pretty skinny. A better configuration would be a 24" cube with 16" for the tank and 8" for the filter/refugium...but I haven't found anybody making that yet!

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Thanks...kind of hard to see from the photos, but looks like he might have added a partition to one of those 18g glass bowfronts that someone was writing about recently. I'll e-mail for details.


I also dug into the rest of the site and discovered their 575g "mega sump"! Thing looks like it could double as a hot tub.

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