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caulerpa in my nano?


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Would this be wise to put some of this macro in my tank? LFS guy said this would help export nitrates. Thankyou for you advice and replies.



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What type of caulerpa were you thinking of putting in? I've put feather caulerpa in, which my sally lightfoot demolished in a metter of days, and more recently put in grape caulerpa (a very small piece) that doubled in size within a week. When I did my water change yesterday it had grabbed hold of the LR it was near and was a pain to pry off trim down. Needless to say I now have a teeny tiny piece in there sitting on the sandbed in the back right corner of my tank. A lot of people put theirs in their sump or fuge, but since I have neither, I thought I'd try the tank. Still deciding if it's worth the extra time for maintence. BTW it does help with the nitrates, but so do frequent WC's. Just my newbie 2 cents!

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Dave Scheiner

Beware of the blue legged hermits. I've had both bubble and feather calurpa in my 5.5 and the hermits would eat them both. Most noteably they would chew on the nice thick tems (rhizomes) and kill the whole stalk. When I turned my 5.5 into a fuge I had to remove all the hermies (lousy blue legged lumberjacks!).:woot:

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arggg , I put some in there today. The first thing those guys did was climb it and start eating away.


maybe I should take it out before it dies

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My hermits all of a sudden have gone crazy. Eating the caulerpa and chasing snails up the glass nocking them off the rocks? What the hell, blue legged bastards?


Maybe there isnt enough food for them. I have been feeding my ora frozen brine

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deacon hemp

To Ndonily i wouldn't add it unless your going for the natural look!hehe although under your lighting it may not be a problem,my tank looks almost like a fuge too.Caulerpa grows like wildfire under mh lighting.

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I was wondering waht type of algae should i grow in my fuge that will help of getting rid of the nitatres and so on?


help apprecaited Simon

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