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Coral Vue Hydros

Clownfish - black patches?


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Just noticed a few days ago that my clarkii has a couple small, discrete macular patches which appear black on its skin... ? Anyone know if this is characteristic of a parasitic infection or?

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That doesn't sound like typical melanin increases (which is what causes the coloration with age). Those generally appear over entire regions, darkening slowly, with gradient edges.


If these patches are discrete, as you say, with relatively well-defined borders, it sounds more like an infection or dead skin.


Look at the attached picture. Are the spots on your clown similar to the ones on the belly of the clown in the picture?


The cause of his blotches were never confirmed, but my popular theory is that its a skin reaction to zooanthids. He otherwise acts perfectly healthy, but when he started hosting in the zoos, these showed up. They'd come and go, never affecting his behavior. He's even spawned while they were present, something clowns usually won't do when suffereing from an infection.


Do you have zoos in your tank, and does your clown swim in them?


If your clowns condition doesn't look similar to the picture, then it's hard to say. I'm not familiar of any black parasitic infections larger than the small dats of black Ich. A picture could really help.

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The patches are in the dorsal area... 2 on one side and 1 faint one on the contralateral side. He's acting perfectly healthy otherwise.. very active.. eating well... uMMM.. nope, no zoos in the tank, just a carpet anemone and smaller condylactis which he was playing with shortly after he was introduced, but since hasn't touched it and stays in the carpet most of the time now...


Thx for all of your help all!

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Well, I'd say that rules out my zoo theory pretty well then. But for that amtter, I've no solid proof that the zoos caused it in the pictured clown, either.


I would say not to worry about it. If you want to play it safe, I'd treat his food with garlic extract. Nothing more drastic than that, though, until he shows signs of behavior change or stress.

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I agree with goliath. Clowns darken as they mature and it isnt always gradual. My dominant clown is currently maturing as well. It started with a few blotches here and there but then more set in to form dark thick bands. You will see it happen more rapidly in the next week or so.



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Interesting, I've never seen a clown darken in blotches. DeskJockey, what kind of clown did you observe that in? I've seen true percs bands grow thicker (usually with speckling just away from the band's edge, but otherwise gradient), ocellaris bodies darken from the top to bottom, clarks from dorsal to ventral, and red & black clowns with a somewhat dark, mostly circular, blotch growing outwards, above and behind the dorsal.

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Its an ocellaris. Its like you mentioned speckling away from the bands edge but there is a little no were near the bands as well. I think her face is going to be dark after everything is said and done. Its funny she has two almost perfect round dots just above the anal fin, it looks like a tattoo.

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Could it be something from the carpet or condy? I thought condys were atlantic and clowns are pacific.....so I wonder if the pnematocysts and toxin are different? Someone once told me that you couldn't keep clowns with condys, but I sure that's the case.


I, also, don't think you should worry about it too much. Just keep an eye on him. My little ocellaris had a serious swimbladder issue (kept sinking pretty fast). I treated him with Garlic and he's fine 2 weeks later.

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It's quite unlikely to be the carpet. I've never had a condy, so I don't know what their affect is. However, the biggest reason for not giving a clown a condy to host in, in my opinion, is the possibility of the condy deciding the clown is edible.

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Yah, my condy and clown seemed to do well together and I knew it was a risk that the condy might just chomp on the clown, but things went well... my cleaner seems to be pretty avid when it comes to walking thru the condy... guess he's either lookin for food or somethin... no discolored feet yet :P

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