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Need Help !


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Last night my fire goby was acting strangely he wasn't hiding or swimming in the current like he usually is. I thought nothing of it because he didn't have any spots or anything else on him he just looked kind of lazy. Well i wasn't home

yesturday night to check on him and found out my dad had left the lights on until this morning. I looked for my goby and he was sitting on the sand bed and his eye is very enlarged and swollen red ... he doesn't even have a recognizable pupil.

SO i need help as to what this may be and if it will afffect my other fish.

I am going to set up a quarantine tank using a 15 gallon and take 15 gallons out of my display and put the skimmer on it. If any one else knows how to make an emergency qt tank that would really help.

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Maybe he has bust a blood vessel. get him away from other fish just to be sure. I am yet to have a S/W disease. Lots of protein and vitamins should help him.

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well i set up a qt tank with some liverock that was almost cured and put the protein skimmer on the tank with about 10 % of my display water ... hopefully nitrates and everything else does not spike

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sounds like QTing is a good idea. the infection probably isnt communicable, but wont get better in the display. my guess is that it stemmed from aggression from another fish, or some sort of laceration.


depending on the LR, it may or may not re-cycle the tank. if the rock isnt cured there may be an ammonia spike. i'd test the water daily to make sure.


for a QT tank, a 15 is a great size. use a sponge filter or other souce of filtration and water movement. the live rock was a good choice and hopefully you wont need to medicate (i steer people away from meds as you usually dont need to do it).


i'd balck out the tank's sides so the fish can feel safe and not have movement around the tank on all sides stressing the fish out.


also, i'd go to lowes and get a good timer for the display light. then you'll never have to worry about the light.



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well i qt my fire goby for three days and i found him dead today ... i left him alone for a day and it got severely worse so i gave him a fw dip and it seemed to help with the swelling ... i then took the lr out and had my skimmer running .... all levels were fine ammonia 0 nitrite 0 and nitrate 0 and it looked really bad the next day so i gave him a fw dip again and this time it didn't help so i used meds and found him dead later today ... when i left his fins were clamped and he was breathing heavily so i did not think there was much hope .. so i think im going to get a forktail blenny to take his place ...

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the dip may have kicked his stress level over the edge. firefish are very finiky about stress.


gl next time. blennys are usually easier all aorund.

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