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Cultivated Reef

seeking a red flat worm eater!


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Hi there,

anybody that can tell me where I can find a red flatworm eater?

I mean that genus of nudibranch (Chelidonura) that eats red flat worms (Convolutriloba retrogemma).


It is black (deep blue) with two brigth blue stripes.


Anyone saw it?

anyone known where I can buy it?

and more important since i live in Italy anyone that know some shop that can ship it to me?

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also this species eats red flatworms


Chelidonura elettra, C. inornata, C. amoena, C. castanea, C. flavolobata, C. fulvipunctata,

C. livida, C. hirundinina, C. punctata, C. sandrana, C. tsurugensis, C. pallida, C. varians (the blue one)

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Bucket o Chum

Try an online search. They have a bunch of Chelidonura varians at my LFS for $13 for small ones, and $20 for large ones. If your tank is large enough you can try Manderin fish or you can reduce the amount of algae in your tank. Flat worms eat algae so get rid of the algae and flat worms die. Well that works for the little ones, larger species may eat other animals.

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Hi Bucket,

where do you live ?

here in Italy the nudis are not available .

Could be possible that your local store ship one or two to me?

Regards Mauro

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Mandarin fish dont eat flatworms. I have one and he doesnt even notice them. In my 40g tank I had a ton of flatworms for about 2 months and I just kept sucking them out. It seemed like they were reproducing as fast as I could suck them out. About a week ago I started using Red Sea's reef success calcium +3 and they are all gone. I dont know if that was the cause but there are maybe 2 small patches of 10 or so left and they are all shriveled up and dying. I have no other possible explanation except the new additives I have been using.

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