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fish in pico


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Gobies are better because they then to help sift the sand, but Im sure a damsel (maybe 2- depends on tank size) would be fine. tell us your tank specs and size. HTH

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Gobies are better because they then to help sift the sand, but Im sure a damsel (maybe 2- depends on tank size) would be fine. tell us your tank specs and size. HTH

A 2.5 aga tank. Just setting up right now.


At the moment I don't have any sand on the bottom of the tank.

Should I and how do I go about putting sand in the tank with live rock in it?

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Drain the water, aquascape the live rock, pour the sand around the rock, smooth it all out. Put a glass in the tank and slowly pour the water into the glass, it will get cloudy but thats ok.


I would not put any fish in a 2.5, sexy shrimp or peppermint shrimp. snails and hermits work fine.

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must admit don't know anything about them - but to quote the guy on lubbockreefclub.com


The Gumdrop Coral Croucher resembles a goby and is actually a member of the scorpionfish family. These fish are native to the reefs in the Coral Sea. They are often found in and about both hard and soft corals. This fish is gray/white in color with many red dots covering the body. The entire body is covered with small hair-like appendages which gives this fish a fuzzy appearance.

The spines on the dorsal fins of this fish are venomous. If you are stung, the reaction may be similar to a bee sting only a little stronger


never mind the venemous spines that dude has a cold unblinking eye that pierces your soul!!!

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