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Trained Maternal Toadstool


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I prop a TON of these things, but, nver had one just poop babies SO OFTEN! There is about 3 more starting on the back. Blurry pic I know! (Point n shoot)



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nice looking toadie! how were you propagating before? i.e. lobe cuts, whole capitulum cuts, vertical cuts, etc. self-budding obviously makes it very easy. ;) just curious.


how old is that toadie? i have one that's very similar, i suspect it's a sarcophyton cherbonnieri not sure until it grows a bit larger though.

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nice looking toadie! how were you propagating before? i.e. lobe cuts, whole capitulum cuts, vertical cuts, etc. self-budding obviously makes it very easy. ;) just curious.


how old is that toadie? i have one that's very similar, i suspect it's a sarcophyton cherbonnieri not sure until it grows a bit larger though.


Thanks! Coming from the "Leather Guru" (IMO) that means alot! I always read your posts and contributions to Toadstool posts.

That one has only been propped a couple times, and I mainly just cut across the flaps, or ripples in the caps.

The more prop-able ones I have, I usually cut the whole head off, and cut pie shaped peices. then I let them float for about a day or two before I mount them. (I find that whenevr I glue them right away, it sorta just adhere's to their slimeyness rather tyhan the LR)

This particular one just grows weird. I thought it was an elegans (sp?) you could be right tho, Just your typica Neon Green Toadstool, just a BIG one! (bout 4" across) I'd say this particular one is about 1.5-2 years old.


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thanks for the comments! :happy:


that idea for floating a day sounds good too. 4" is a decent size for that species imo (if it's a cherbon).


curious, does it feel dry or slimey when you touch it?

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thanks for the comments! :happy:


that idea for floating a day sounds good too. 4" is a decent size for that species imo (if it's a cherbon).


curious, does it feel dry or slimey when you touch it?


yeah, the main mother colony is about 13" :P

dry, very leather-y to the touch, but when I cut them, they get really slimey. Almost all the cut peices (100-150 sometimes) form one big clump of slime) it's a real PITA to seperate them!


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13" is adult-size! do you have any pictures of that one?



Kinda a weird pic, I will take another when she opens, she's shedding like crazy right now.


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Yeah...the frags are very very nice too. I recieved one and it took a couple of days to start swelling but when it did it looks AWESOME!!!

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Kinda a weird pic, I will take another when she opens, she's shedding like crazy right now.

looks good! B)


what type of body shape would you call it (i can't tell from that angle)? is it traditional toadstool, vase-like, stump-massive, or other?


it looks kinda vase-like to me but again, i can't really tell from that pic. color-wise and shape it might be something other than a cherbon (s. roseum? they tend to have green polyps more too).

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looks good! B)


what type of body shape would you call it (i can't tell from that angle)? is it traditional toadstool, vase-like, stump-massive, or other?


it looks kinda vase-like to me but again, i can't really tell from that pic. color-wise and shape it might be something other than a cherbon (s. roseum? they tend to have green polyps more too).


It's got a very thick stump, but it's a bit like a rippled vase I guess, I stopped fragging that one a while ago. The stump you see there is prolly 8"-9" Wide right below the cap.


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Hey Tiny and FLoor,


Just wanted to give you kudos for keeping some nice toadstools! I just got one about 2 weeks ago looks exactly like the one in this thread:




however the shape of mines doesn't look anything like a toadstool. It has the shape of a bent pool. No top to it at all. It is about an inch thick and 3 inchs tall. It almost looks like it is trying to grow a huge base and no top. Anyways this was by far one of the best purchases I have made for my tank. I got the piece as a steal from my LFS. I have seen peices like this selling for $80 on atlantis! Im just glad to be an owner! Keep up the good work!

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Hey Tiny and FLoor,


Just wanted to give you kudos for keeping some nice toadstools! I just got one about 2 weeks ago looks exactly like the one in this thread:




however the shape of mines doesn't look anything like a toadstool. It has the shape of a bent pool. No top to it at all. It is about an inch thick and 3 inchs tall. It almost looks like it is trying to grow a huge base and no top.

well, it's floor's toadie that takes the credit here. it really is a beautiful specimen. my roseum still looks ticked off these days from my tank move last fall (maybe allelopathic issues but i'm still tracking that down, at least it's hanging in there).


sometimes toadies will take an elongated shape on the stalk but usually at the size you're talking about they've started to assume the typical "toadstool" shape for young sarcos. it's one of the identifying features of the genus imo (separating it from sinus or lobos). frags cut in certain shapes will avoid this for a while but i believe they mostly assume the toadie shape to "orient" themselves for a time.


some species keep the toadie shape into adulthood like s. trocheliophorum. but others morph into other forms, like the vase-like shape noted above like s. roseum. or a stump-massive type like s. latum. or an almost lobo/toadie-like look like s. tortuosum (possible hybrid?).


you should eventually see it take a toadie shape and then maybe something else if its adult form is different.

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I have a long tentacled leather coral and I bought it on wednesday (it is now sunday) and it seems to be starting to as floorlord put it: 'poop babies'. Is this fast for a leather and what do I dop with them.

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