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Have better luck here I hope.....


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I did some searching for ya..... here goes:


Leptoria Irregularis: Colonies are submassive or laminar, up to 1.5 metres across. Valleys are 3-4 millimetres wide, usually perpendicular to colony margins, becoming sinuous towards the colony centre. Septa are irregular, with strong teeth. Columellae do not form centres and are not laminar. Colour: Pale blue-grey to translucent white. Similar species: Leptoria phrygia. See also the merulinids Scapophyllia cylindrica and Merulina ampliata. Habitat: Upper reef slopes. Abundance: Uncommon.

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sigh its a common name....but hope it helps looks like a tounge coral or something like that....or maybe a flat maze brain?

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deacon hemp

I had a maze brain that looked like that,but a little more like acoustics pic.it was a cool coral with pretty long sweepers it burned a few corals,it now resides in a 120 gal and has encrused itself to the rockwork.

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No sweepers that I noticed. Althought the light 's being on or off do not seem to affect whether or not the fuzzy like tooth shaped hairs are out or not. Only current seems to make a difference with those. I moved it to the bottom of my tank and it seems to be very brilliant and vibrant now! SCORE!!!!! IT WAS A FREEBY TO BOOT!!!

THank you all very very much!!!!!!

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It is definitely an encrusting species. However, I don't think it is a type of brain. I have had one of these that hitchhiked in on a piece of LR that was 1/4 inch in diameter when I got it and has slowly grown to about 2 iches now. Tell me if this resembles yours better. Mine has brown and sort of flourecent light blue hairy tenticles. My brains (purchased and hitchiked) are more "smooth" and only have feeder tenticles come out rarely. This thing is kind of always hairy. Again, encrusting coral nontheless, but brain species I would say not if it resembles this:

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its a brain. Skool headmaster sayz : I was looking at the wrong pic, Accousitcs is indeed a brain.


Liquid, what you have is a meriulina or pavona. completely different.


Salty the "ELEPHANT SKIN" is indeed perhaps the closes guestemation.... Check pages 248-250 in Bornemans book on Aq Corals. I think it will give the best comparison for characteristics...


(yes, yes, even I use Erics book on occasion... :rolleyes: )

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Dave, I know that the picture Acoustic gave is a brain. That is not in question. The question was asked by SaltyDawg of what HE has which you guys think is a brain and is not, as it is exactly what I thought it was and was verified by SaltyDawg here http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/showthread...87691#post87691 and is not completely different at all, in fact, it is exactly what he has. So, no one needs to go look at Eric's brain pictures. Yes, the coral that both Salty and I have is a Pavona Species (good call Dave). It is not the "cactus" species but rather a varians species. To be more exact, it is in the Phylum of Cnidaria, the Class of Anthozoa, the Order of Scleractinia, the Family of Agariciidae, and the Genus of Pavonia of which I believe the "Varians" variety of the Pavona Genus to end this ID debate and answer SaltyDawg's question.

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