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Zoo Problem


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Last night I noticed some cotton-like thing on my eagle eyes. I poked at it and noticed its very soft and falls off real easy. It's almost like a ball of web. It doesnt cover the polyps but covers the base of the polyps. I thought it wasnt a big deal until my zoos did not open at all today which never happened. I also noticed, while the zoos are closed the heads are also not as fat and long as it used to be while closed. Another thing, an aipstasia used to grow out right in the center of the zoos. I got a pep to get rid of it last week but just mentioning it in case it has anything to do with it. This is the best picture I can get of it.



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ive heard of zoo fungus, nasty stuff man.


Is it zoo fungus? I found pictures of zoos with the fungus but mines dont look like it. However my zoos do have a loss of tissue and have spiderwebbing over them. What causes zoo fungus?


I did however broke off the rock because it was a frag glued onto a larger rock. I washed the frag in fresh water and removed as much of the cottonlike/spiderwebbing off of them as i could. I hope that works. The larger rock still have some of that web stuff. Should it be of concern?

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Can't tell easily from the pic but if the stuff falls off easily I'd take it off the rock and then RO dip the zoanthids just to be safe. Look for other causes as well - any nudis?



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Can't tell easily from the pic but if the stuff falls off easily I'd take it off the rock and then RO dip the zoanthids just to be safe. Look for other causes as well - any nudis?




Yea I did that already, although I washed it with tap water. There were no nudis. On a brighter note with a whole day worth of light, some of the polyps open partially. Most are still closed and the ones that are open are not open all the way. Hopefully it will recover. PRAY FOR MEEE. These were the very first corals I got from Jin starting this hobby!

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