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Cultivated Reef

Clam help again!


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Hey guys, havn't been here for a while( well seems like it)


Anyways, how do you tell how big the clam is, I mean, how do you measure it. From the begining of the mantle to the end.


Is it just a straight line measured or measured from one end to the other with the curve the clam is shaped. Sorry if this is confusing,


The clam that I got claimed to be 2.5 inches, but when I measured the clam from one end to the next exactly atop the mantle, it was 3 inches.


The clam seems to be getting enough food, It starts to close a little at the end of the day, I'm guessing because it's gotten enough food.


What do you guys think?!

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thanks guys,


The clam seems to be feeding well off the light, it closes up at around the 11 hour mark ( I usually keep them on 12 hours because of school and work)


Thanks guys!

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lighting isnt that much of a problem. maintaining your calc and alk is a pain if you dont have a calc reactor. you should focus on that. the best way to check how a clam is doing is by its photo-sensitivity.

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