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Bubble tip anemone not so bubbley


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Just purchased a bta yesterday and acclimized it for two and a half hours. Placed him in the front of the tank but it moved to the back and managed to wedge himself into a hole. (i know this is normal and itll move around and stuff) Question is ... how do i get it to bubble up ? it just looks like a long tentacle anemone right now. i really want mine to bubble up, it looks so much nicer.


Water parameters : 0 Amm, 0 Trite, 10 Trate, 0 Phos, 8.1 PH, 24-25C, 1.024 Sal


Does the ph or temperature have anything to do with it bubbling up ? or do i need to supplement it with something ? im currently dosing small amounts of iodin and strontium. thanks in advance guys.

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There are only theories; nobody truly knows why they do or do not. Some theorize pH, some lighting type but there is no definitive scientific proof of what does it.

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I have one that did the same thing. I had a "low light aquarium" or about 2.5 watts per gallon. Not much. But I don't have corals so no big deal. So I bought a new fixture with about double the light and the anemone bubbled right up. It has good color and looks great now. Check your lighting.

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Though it could be lighting, mine only "bubbles up" after feeding. I feed once a week, so it's never that way long. If I feed daily, it stays "bubbly" most of the time. I just don't want that much maintenance involved with daily feedings.

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I have one that did the same thing. I had a "low light aquarium" or about 2.5 watts per gallon. Not much. But I don't have corals so no big deal. So I bought a new fixture with about double the light and the anemone bubbled right up. It has good color and looks great now. Check your lighting.
im currently running a current usa 70watt metal halide fixture on a 24 gallon aquapod. should be enough right ?
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I was told to try lowering my temp. Easier said the done. My temp peaks 81-82 and it was suggested I try for 78. Not going to happen unless I add 4 or 5 fans or a chiller. However mines very healthy without the bubbles its gotten huge. I am hoping to one day test this theory but I won't be able to for a while.


What is your temp?


Mine is under 2, 250w 14k lights plus 96w pc actnics.

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I agree with RayWhisperer that they only bubble up well when they are well fed. I had one and it didnt have the bubbe tips until I fed it twice a week.


When it was hungry it looked like this:






After I feed it regularly it looked like this:








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Jesse what is your temp?


I've been feeding mine about once to twice a week just mysis and brine. I've been meaning to get silversides but haven't found them yet. I think I will go check some other grocery stores later today.

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just went to the lfs and bought a bag of silver sides. how do i feed them ? i got forzen ones from the freezer. do i need to unfreeze them before i feed it ? or can i just put one on its tentacles ?

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i bought a bleached one, ( i had a sebae and wanted to get a bubble) so i went out and bought one, it was in my tank for about 2 days out in the light (4watts/gallon) not bubble tentacle but fat tips like the pictures on live aquaria. it basically killed himself because it kept hiding after itook it out being hiding for (1 week - 2 weeks), so what im thinking the problem is the lighting might not be as intense on the spot it is on or not enough food?


EDIT: when i pulled it out it was VERY weak

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just fed mine a big chunk of silverside last night and i guess it bubbled up a teeny weeny bit. (not that noticeable) how do you guys recommend i defrost the silverside ?


1. run it in hot water (tap)

2. let it sit at room temperature

3. wrap it in a hot towel

4. put it on a stove

5. microwave it


also is there anway to lure the anemone out ? it wedged itsself in the back of the tank. if i move my metal halide lights to the front of the tank will it follow the light ? or should i leave a trail of tiny bits of silver side to the front ? i dont want it to stay back there and die like pet-lovers'.

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Let it go where it needs to go. You'll only stress it further by moving it, or the light source. It "knows" (for lack of a better word) what it needs. You'll need to learn how to "read" it. If it's hiding itself from the light, chances are, it's either too strong (doubtful), or needs to acclimate itself to it. If it keeps moving, something is wrong for it. The most likely culprit of this, is usually water parameters or stability there of.


As for feeding, I just thaw mine in cold tap. I've found they like some food better than others. Silversides seem to be among mines least favorite. Clam or squid seem better for mine. Just some personal observations.

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I would only recommend thawing the silversides in room temperature water.

If you want the RBTA to move you can change the position of your water flow. I found that mine wants to always be near the water flow. I diverted flow to the other side of the tank using a temporary hose and it moved.

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OMG !! i just found the silver side on my bta's tentacle. i fed it last night and i thought he ate it, but i guessed not. what does this mean ? i just fished it out with my net and its rotting. do i need to do a immediate water change ? i just did a 10% water change 2 days ago.


also how long does it take a bta to consume a silverside ? how do i know if its eating it ? should i try feeding it again ?

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i've switched from feeding mysis / brine to regular uncooked shrimp, cut it up a bit and basically fed 80% of a shrimp today. Will try and in a couple days. Hopefully extra feeding will help regain bubbles, wouldn't mind seeing the thing split as its probably about 10" when fully expanded maybe bigger.

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