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Coral Vue Hydros

How would I Go About This


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How do I go about fragging these?




I accidently call them Parazoanthids, but anyway, theyre like a light brown with a green centre.




How would I frag them?


Are they in any demand at-all? (In Britain)

Could they be worth enough to make money to polish up the tank once I had a frag tank? (I doubt it ;) )


Thanks in advance,


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The Propagator

Those are green palythoas, and the yello wpolyps on the outer edge are the Parazoanthids ;)


Those are kind of saturated right now in the market actualy.

So you rprobably nt gonna make a killing off of them any where but Ebay ( provided its a week where every one feals like spending and all that)


You can actualy chip up the rock they are on with a chisle and frag them that way , r you could use a screwdriver and a hammer.


I know that sounds drastic and all that, but thats exactly how I frag thing on thick rock ;)

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I was going to trade them into an LFS who don't currently have a stockist yet, and was thinking of taking advantage of that. The people who run it always smile when i go in, because theyre a really nice family who know im going not just to browse ;)

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I need help!


where is a good place to buy fragging plugs from?

Do I superglue them onto the plugs or what?


I cut mine with shears, including the rock, like Propagator said. If you cut them right, with the rock, you won't need plugs and yes you can superglue them.

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Haha, yeah. Here is an example, excerpt from a GARF article (link: http://www.garf.org/BulletProofReef/bullet04/bullet.html



"I really love the arches that Eddie Postma makes. I found out that I am not alone. I went outside to hand pick the arches and they were all gone. I asked Eddie if he would go rescue me some from our curing site. He found many of them for me to choose from. The arches give you the ability to place animals up closer to the light and also allows the fish to hide and to swim through them. Make sure you have secured the arches in place so that when you glue other animals to them they do not fall over. Again you can not make a mistake you can move the rock and design your own landscape very easily. It kind of reminds me of gardening. Everyone has their own idea on what they want and what they think is beautiful. Because of this fact it is what makes art so fun and each project unique."


Consider the take-home message in that paragraph. You can state it in one line but they stretch it. I'm hard pressed to find where 'research' fits in, other than the 'R' in GARF. I dont see any original idea at least in the area of reefkeeping.

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