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I want to increase my coraline...


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I had a ploblem with green algae and it covered all my coraline algae

(the back side was full).My tank is 67lt +30lt sump I have a royal gramma a false percula clown a goby a blue leg hermit crab a red leg hermit crab a boxing shrimp one snail .I had a sea urchin who destroyed what was left (pink algae)Phosfate levels are almost 0.I had to remove manualy all the green from my tank.I `ve tranfered the urchin in my sump.I now raise some caulepra algae in my sump.Ca level is 1280 and Mg 360.Ph 8,4 no3 no4 almost zero, I use RO water for my water changes salinity ~1,025 I have aragonite sand for substrate (crashed coral in my sump).I light my system for about 9 hours a day 2X36 T5 (1 blue actinic ,1 marine white)+ 1x18 blue actinc T8 and controled my green algae...(for now).I use activated carbon (I change the carbon every 15 days) and I use 2 skimmers( one red sea prizm skimer in the main tank and a sander piccolo skimmer in the sump).I use a UV 12W(24/24)and phosfate removal material.I now pray to increase the pink coraline can you help by telling me some tricks that I can do it ?

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I've found that a good amount water flow is a very important key to coralline algae growth. That and stable water parameters are all you need... and patience of course ;).



P.S. - Two skimmers may be a bit much; you may very well be skimming out important trace elements that are essential for you tank (and coralline growth, for that matter).

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Dear users thank you for the reply.I add tropic marine calcium after i measure the total calcium in my tank.The second skimmer (in the sump) works only when I feed my fish for about an hour.The water flow is now is about 600lt/hr.Patience is a magic word.

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The Propagator

You shouldnt ave any calcium troubles at all in a tank that size with out a heavy sps bioload.

in a 17.7g tank water changes alone should be enough to manage calcium levels.

Even with an 8 gallon sump.


BUT.....if you realy want to spruce up your tank with coraline then scrape some off into a baggy or somthing. Crush it up so its almost fine as powder. realease it back into your tank and turn the filtration and water movement off for an hour.

Then turn it back on and keep dosing your calcium.

Have you checked your ALk and PH levels?

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Here's a stupid question....


Asides from looking nice ont he back walls, what does coraline actually do for a tank?


I gotta tell you, the coraline in my tank is so out of hand I have to scrape every other day to get it off and keep it off the glass....

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The scraping thing really works... If you're not sure if you want to go through all that trouble, I've found that if you have at least a few good areas of coraline growth (there's a rock that I have that's helped nicely with this) just scratch at it. After two days in a row of me just scratching at it with my nails while rearranging some coral, I had a noticeable increase in spots on my back wall... Scratching releases its spores I think... Its worth a try...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
:lol: So true......Sharpie129 , You are thinking correctly , when you scratch or scrape you release more and more and more spores . Before you know it coraline is out of control . :lol::lol::lol:
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Be careful with the Purple UP it is not as healthy for your tank as they say I would def. try the scaping first all I had to do with mine is get the levels right especially the calicium and it started growing well ..........

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