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Your coral reccomendations for this LR?


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I am preparing to start putting corals in my three month old Eclipse 12 gallon (I also plan to post pictures over the next few days so everyone can see what I have come up with so far). Anyway, I have been researching the last few weeks and actually mapping where each coral will ultimately be (and realized along the way what a 'reeftard' I have become :) ).


Anyway, I have this neat looking LR in my left hand corner of the tank and I can't decide what coral I should place there. The piece of LR is actally round-ish so it's been difficult for me to try to figure out what to put there. I don't necessarily need something to cover all of it either and if any of you experienced reefers could make some suggestions, I would be eternally grateful. The tank is sitting on the end of my built-in desk in my study so as people walk in they will first see that corner and that particular LR so wanted something that would be eye appealing also.





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don't forget underwater epoxy. ;)


depends upon the lights and currents but i'm thinking montipora or something similar jutting out from there.

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Originally posted by Joe_fro

go with the zoos man, they rock.  Here maybe these will help, imagine a nice carpet on that rock of these.

Wow.. those are gorgeous I must say. Did you get those at your lfs or via the internet?


I have read really positive reviews regarding Anthony's zoos (http://members.cox.net/angelic924/ayreef.html) and Bryan's over at The Logical Reef (http://www.thelogicalreef.com/).


Getting really excited to get this coral party started now I must say. :)

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Actually I got them from Bryan at thelogicalreef.com. Bryan is simply the coolest guy to deal with. he will help with any ?'s you have. and just look at what he has on his site, how could you not want any of those? here are somemore green ones i got from him too.

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If you are patient and have at least 32 watts in there, you could get a nice "moonstone" brain coral. Stick it on the round rock so it grows over it and you will have a nice big grapefruit-sized brain at the bottom of your tank.

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Originally posted by Korbin

If you are patient and have at least 32 watts in there, you could get a nice "moonstone" brain coral.  Stick it on the round rock so it grows over it and you will have a nice big grapefruit-sized brain at the bottom of your tank.

Oooohh I like that idea too. I do have 32 watts and all the patience in the world so that might be a great option. There is not a ton of space between the LR and the sides/corner of the tank though so in that case would the brain coral stay within those space boundaries or would I ultimately need to move it due to it being 'squeezed'?


Thanks for your reply korbin. :)

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