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Ick in my tank! Is PraziPro safe? Can I just...


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Night before last I noticed that my clown and blenny have ick. clownfishie.gif I'm sure it came in on the clown. Stupid Petco! swear1.gif I went to my local saltwater store and they recommended PraziPro. Has anyone used it? Is it safe for invertabra's? I have a peppermint shrimp, mushroom like things, baha crabs, snails, slug critters and little starfish I'm concerned about.



Can marine ick be cured by water quality? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

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Night before last I noticed that my clown and blenny have ick. clownfishie.gif I'm sure it came in on the clown. Stupid Petco! swear1.gif I went to my local saltwater store and they recommended PraziPro. Has anyone used it? Is it safe for invertabra's? I have a peppermint shrimp, mushroom like things, baha crabs, snails, slug critters and little starfish I'm concerned about.



Can marine ick be cured by water quality? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you!


First of all, welcome to nano-reef!


From your signature, I take it you have a 10g with a bicolor blenny and this is the clown?


When did you get the clown? Did the fish have ich at the store you bought it from?

Ich is almost always stress induced. First of all, dont buy sick fish, and unless you did the fish is stressed out from bagging, transit, weather, and acclimation which are all "normal" causes of fish stress. Unless you are very careful, the fish, any fish from anywhere, can get ich.


Anyways, as far as the medication goes, it is a parasite remover. anti parasitic medications are medications that kill off a certain level of invertibrate life. To kill off a fish parasite, it will kill off the lower level inverts as well. this includes bacteria which support your system. IMO using any medication is not worth doing unless you are using a QT tank.


Can marine ick be cured by water quality? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you!


yes. indeed this is the best way to treat the disease. do regular water changes and keep the fish on a healthy and varied diet (frozen foods enriched with selcon or a vitamin to aid the immune system). just like other animals, if a disease is present, letting the infected animal wallow in the same contaminated area is asking for trouble. either take the fish out and QT to medicate, or do things the easy way and make the environment good for fish and bad for disease.



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Yep, that's the tank. yes.gif I've had the clown a month. I was very careful picking him and all the fish there looked pretty healthy. I am getting over a nasty virus so I wasn't as on top of things as I should have been. didisaythat.gif As far as water changes I was doing 1G every other day because I noticed one of my small pieces of LR wasn't quite curred. It had a die off. I thought all was well with that and the water was testing fine. So I went down to 1G twice a week. Of course with my virus I let the salt build a little bit, not much. My ammonia was 0 Nitrite 0 but nitrate is running about 60ppm. I also had a slight brownish tinge on everything. I'm sure it was the water. I changed 3Gs through out the day yesterday and 1G so far today. I'm planning on changing out 2 more gallons tonight. Should I?

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Well I have a porcupine puffer and they are prone to ich. So now I see he has it. So I have no QT tank and well personally i think it would be more stressful sticking a fish in a small tank to begin with.

So i got this stuff from "Chem Marine Stop Parasite" Read a few things and they say its pretty good. safe for all fish/reef


Also seems that Kent RxP is supposed to be really good. Its just not safe with(Do not use with lionfish, stonefish, scorpion fish, starfish, sea urchins, medusa worms, sea apples, sea cucumbers or nudibranchs!)


I hope this stop parasite stuff i bought works.

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Update! My ich is under control! I went to a fish shop I used to work at and they gave me one of their cleaning Wrasse. He's great! The blenny is way into getting cleaned. The clown is a bit smaller and was nervous at first. It's been 2 days, the fish look great! The Wrasse eats flake and frozen too so that's helpful. Course he's been in a display tank for at least 6 months so he had to figure something out to survive. I don't like the idea of wrasse being pulled from the ocean as they usualy don't do well in captivity and the reefs really need them. The fish shop I got him from only order them for their own tanks, they don't sell them. I have a good friend who has a 200 reef and he said if the wrasse seems unhappy or anything he'll be happy to give him a good home. We'll see how he's doing in a week or so.

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As far as water changes I was doing 1G every other day because I noticed one of my small pieces of LR wasn't quite curred. It had a die off. I thought all was well with that and the water was testing fine. So I went down to 1G twice a week. Of course with my virus I let the salt build a little bit, not much.


i don't know what you mean by the salt going up because of a viral infection. ? i take it you let trhe water evaporate down do the sg went up? im not sure if you think ich is a viral infection, it isnt. it's a parasite.


My ammonia was 0 Nitrite 0 but nitrate is running about 60ppm. I also had a slight brownish tinge on everything. I'm sure it was the water. I changed 3Gs through out the day yesterday and 1G so far today. I'm planning on changing out 2 more gallons tonight. Should I?


You have dinofilagilate algae aka "diatoms". this is normal for tanks under 6 months of age. it's part of the "new tank syndrome" and shouldnt be worried about unless it's over 6-8 months and then it's probably your water source. 60ppm nitrates will cause some algae issues as well. the more water changes the better, with good water that is.


Update! My ich is under control! I went to a fish shop I used to work at and they gave me one of their cleaning Wrasse. He's great! The blenny is way into getting cleaned. The clown is a bit smaller and was nervous at first. It's been 2 days, the fish look great! The Wrasse eats flake and frozen too so that's helpful. Course he's been in a display tank for at least 6 months so he had to figure something out to survive. I don't like the idea of wrasse being pulled from the ocean as they usualy don't do well in captivity and the reefs really need them. The fish shop I got him from only order them for their own tanks, they don't sell them. I have a good friend who has a 200 reef and he said if the wrasse seems unhappy or anything he'll be happy to give him a good home. We'll see how he's doing in a week or so.


I think finding the wrasse a new home asap is a very responsible idea. im glad you thought ahead and congrats on conquering the ich.

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My friend, IMO any ich medication worth it's salt (no pun intended) will not be reef safe. Get a QT and dose your fish in that and allow your display tank to go fallow for about six weeks, as no fish host means no more ich. I have only one piece of advice for people thinking about dosing their display tank.............DO NOT DO THIS! It kills inverts, bio filter, forever poisons live rock and anything else calcerous. QT is the only way to go

Good luck


Sorry bud, I should have kept reading to see that you went the natural approach and WON! Congrats. Cleaner wrasse and shrimp are extremely effective for small out breaks. I just hate to see others make horrible mistakes that I have made in the past. Hope everything remains well for your critters


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Check it doesnt contain copper, that will kill yourcorals. I know that that's obvious but you will be supprised how many people skim or don't even read the box/bottle.

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