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Innovative Marine Aquariums

my new 3 gallon pico


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ok so here is my first salt water tank. it is a 3 gallon deco kit and its not the greatest but it isnt a bad setup i guess. i have a star polyps, red mushrooms, and some zoa's. i like it a lot, and i plan on adding more in time. o yea i have a question for you guys. do the rocks seem a little big and cluttered for that small of a tank? i was thinking about breaking them down into smaller chunks cuz they look kinda big for that small of a tank. is it a good idea to break live rock or does it damage it somehow? i would just like some input if i should break the rocks down or not. thanks guys.


heres the link, its the last few pics, the others are of my car and my leopard geckos and the custom cage i built from scratch. http://s24.photobucket.com/albums/c31/Jdog123/

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ok so here is my first salt water tank. it is a 3 gallon deco kit and its not the greatest but it isnt a bad setup i guess. i have a star polyps, red mushrooms, and some zoa's. i like it a lot, and i plan on adding more in time. o yea i have a question for you guys. do the rocks seem a little big and cluttered for that small of a tank? i was thinking about breaking them down into smaller chunks cuz they look kinda big for that small of a tank. is it a good idea to break live rock or does it damage it somehow? i would just like some input if i should break the rocks down or not. thanks guys.


heres the link, its the last few pics, the others are of my car and my leopard geckos and the custom cage i built from scratch. http://s24.photobucket.com/albums/c31/Jdog123/


breaking rocks is fine... look at it this way... your going to have alot more surface for coraline algea and good bacteria to grow if you have smaller pieces!


your rock in your tank looks pretty cool, but with more pieces you would be able to configure it in a more appealing style or format...


my favorites are kind of half moons, that strech all the way from one side to the other in an arc or cove fashon, and my other favorites are cascading layouts that have a diagonal line to the tops of the rocks (see my 1 gallon pico extravagansa tank for more of an idea on this one)


your frags look cool, but I really like those zoos...


any inhabitants as of yet?

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i have a peppermint shrimp and a snail and a hermit crab too haha forgot about htose guys. id like to know what others think as well about breaking them. im kinda leaning towards it. more versatility with smaller rocks. thanks for your opinion.

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cmon guys any other opinions? haha sorry i just want answers fast so i can get started. ive been looking at other picos and it seems most people are using smaller chunks of live rock. im leaning more towards the smaller ones. id just like some more opinions on what you think. thanks guys.

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ahh man still no answers. im gonna just dive in and break it up and maybe take a little bit out. its too crowded looking to me. i would still like some input though before i do it. is it gonna mess it up if i break it like will i have to recycle it cuz i have corals and other things in there and i dont want it to mess with my water conditions. thanks.

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ok well i did it and i really like how it turned out. it looks a lot more in porportion no to the size of the tank. ill post pics in my album as soon as i can get a camera again.

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thank you. i got it from doctorsfostersmith.com and i payed 29.99 for it because i had a special little 20 dollar off coupon =). its a great little tank. i also own a 29 gallon tank that is really my dads tank and i help him with that one a lot. its nice having my own little tank in my room though its a lot of fun watching it and taking care of it. its kinda relaxing just sitting there watching it.

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does anyone else see a chicken laying sideways when you look at the aquascaping? or am i the only one with a vivid imagination? those fire and ice and really nice. when i first started my tank i got some of those but over time they morph and now are really dark with orange rings and some have developed orange neon mouths


that was one heck of a run-on-sentences hahahah

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Dr.Fumanchu Posted Today, 09:48 PM

It looks really nice the way it is, I wouldnt break up the rocks.

its already been done.


i see the dead chicekn if i try hard haha. and i like those zoas too. i want pictures of the new layout!

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ok well update. i finally got pics of the rocks all broken up. i like it a lot. i also got a few new corals. candy cane, some green and blue zoanthids, and an umbrella leather. hope you like the new setup. o yea i also finally snapped a pic of my 29 gallon. it completely crashed and had a horrible algea problem and i tried to revive a few things. i got all new live rock and sand and started from scratch. its still in the beginning stage cuz i dont have enough funding for it right now. will soon get some more corals for it soon. hope you guys like it.



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that lizard cage is kinda cool...it looks sort of like you got some lids off the styrofoam fish boxes from your favorite LFS and broke them into pieces, glued them inside your homemade box and covered the whole thing with brown tile grout...that LFS manager must be a great person to work with

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how do you go about getting one of those fosterandsmith coupons?


i talked to missy today at segrest and she said she'll gladly ship saltwater to us...got some amazing cichlids


my wife really wants a little tank, she mainly is interested in a shrimp, a crab and a starfish...go figure

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my dad got it in the mail somehow i think its cuz he ordered a lot of stuff for the 29 gallon tank and for his 75 cichlid tank. ill try to see if i can find the coupon number for you if i still have it and see if you can use it. little tanks are fun they are harder to keep up with but its not too terribly bad. i kinda like the 29 more just cuz its more space to put cool looking corals and its easier to keep the water params right. it is a lot more money to get one of those started though thats why i just wanted a lil small one of my own in my room. haha my dad pays for the stuff upstairs. that would be cool for us to get saltwater stuff in haha although it would just mean i would spend even more money. i want to see our new cichlids i guess ill see them today. i would be a little cautious putting a starfish in there since they get pretty big and will outgrow a small tank pretty quickly. you could try to find a really small one and leave it in there till it gets too big and see if someone will take it.

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