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Can anyone recommend what kind of attractive anemone thats relatively trouble free? i am leaning towards a Purple Tipped Tube anemone? are these any good? is it possible they can move in that tube? Are they agressive? Would it sting an aiptasia back?


Sorry for the questions, ive only had my tank for 30 days.


thanks in advance.

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Tube anemones (Ceriathus sp.) are really cool looking anemones but they are not photosynthetic so you have to feed them regularly. Also, they need a thick sand bed to have their tube in and they will not host a clown, they will eat it. That's about all I know about the tubes. My choice would be a bubble tip anemone, they are photosynthetic and I only feed mine once every other week. Easy to care for. If you have any other questions just pm me.



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wouldn't a Bubble Tipped Anemone expand hugely at night? some extrude to 12+ inches i hear, about 2/3 of my tank :P although a Ruby Bubble Tipped Anemone would look stunning

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What size tank do you have? I have a 24 aquapod and as long as you have good lighting and you supplementaly feed it, it will stay fairly compacted.




If an anemone will take up 2/3 of your tank then maybe you shouldn't get an bta.

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I have seen many people with BTA'a under PC's that seam to stay fairly compact. I got a 1.5 inch baby BTa for my 20 gallon about 4 months ago and was afraid my clown would stress it to death, but it now expands to about 7" across; I rarely feed it and keep it under a 150 halide. I have found that my cloves Xenia and Zoa dont mind coming into contact with my BTA but I have had to move a toadstool that was dying quickly from being to close.


here is a pic of mine in my 20.



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but i don't like the idea of trading it in all the time, the marine FS is an hours drive away, and is always really busy. the local ones apalling, and he sells 'coral' aka algae on dead once was living rock.


I want my clowns something to host in, because I don't really want them behaving unnaturally. :happy:

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but i don't like the idea of trading it in all the time,


who said you would have to trade it in? my bta's always split before they get to big in my nano's.

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manajos are a kind of pest aren't they? Carpets can grow huge can't they?


sorry for all this, but I want to get it just right.

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i live in the middle of nowhere :P ? is your nano 12g aswell?

oh well yea that would make it tuff then. i have enough people around me to sell or trade them and yes i got one in my 12 as we speek.

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maybe i could supply to my LFS newly moved (not new though, just Un-marine)

who i have just managed to get a HUGEEEEEEEE marine section. I thought they would be out done soon :) haha!

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Mini's stay small, regular carpets get huge. I've had mine for while and never got bigger than 2.5 inches. Majano's are pests if you have other corals. But for an anenome tank, they shouldn't be a problem.

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are mini-carpets hard to get hold of, can you tell me a British website that sells them, so I can add them to my faves for 5 ish months :P

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with your tank 30 days old, you don't want to get an anemone yet. they aren't easy to care for and your tank is kind of small. they produce a decent amount of waste and will require frequent water changes


with that said, a BTA is probably your best bet for a host if you really want an anemone that MAY host clowns

(not all clowns will host)

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but i don't like the idea of trading it in all the time, the marine FS is an hours drive away, and is always really busy. the local ones apalling, and he sells 'coral' aka algae on dead once was living rock.


Oooh, like the store here that sells "polyp coral" aka aiptasias!


To add to this>_> I've heard that a lot of clowns will host toadstool leathers or anthelia too. Dunno how easy it is to get them to do it though.

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