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Innovative Marine Aquariums

20L Prop Tank Planning


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I'm thinking about setting up a small prop tank in my dorm. We are not allowed to have tanks bigger than 20g, so in order to get the most space out of the deal I think the 20L is the best way to go.


I've been reading through others prop tank setup threads and think I have a pretty good plan, but would still like to post it and get input especially from mvite, the propogator, six, or anyone else with prop tank experience.


So here is what I'm thinking:






-1" Sandbed (Caribsea Arag-Alive Special Grade Reef Sand)

-Power Filter (Marineland, perhaps an Emperor 400 or Penguin)

-Live Rock Rubble (Boring old Fiji ruble accross the bottom, to be used for fragging, and maybe some placed in power filter)



-2-3 Maxijet 900-1200's (not sure, I have a few in a box at home)



-100w heater (all-glass/jager, i'll see what I have laying around)



-Not sure, probably a 30" Current USA Dual Satellite, but open to other suggestions. Metal Halide is out of the question, not dealing with the heat or cost. I want to keep it cheap, so probably just PC.


And basically that is it. Basically planning to prop sofites, rics, zoos, maybe some montipora, and lps.


Anway, any suggestions welcomed.



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I just set up a 20L prop tank......


Used pretty much what you have listed, but added a 20L sump......


I am trying the manmade rock that Gooch from old zoosrus made(the one with the removable prop plugs).

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Here are a couple of quick pic I just took. The rocks that Gooch makes hold 10 plugs each. These were added yesterday and I have one more that I hope to fill and add today.













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I didn't see an ATO unit in your list. Chances are that you don't want to spend time topping off an extra system & the stability afforded by an ATO should help coral growth rates.

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If you're going to go with PC's you should upgrade from the Satellite to the Orbit fixture. Higher quality light. I would also look at the Aquaclear filters instead of the Marineland.

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nugz has a pretty slick prop tank, and I think t5 would be more cost efficient over time, but orbit is definitely better than satellite. why do you want a glass heater, ive seen alot of posts lately about those exploding, and the visitherm stealth plastic heater gets such positive feedback, mines never been off by a degree.


good luck

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I appreciate the opinions guys. Thanks.


I guess I should have mentioned for those not familiar with my style of reefing that I take a very low tech, keep it simple approach.


This tank will be just as simple and low tech as my 10g reef.


A few comments though...


Orbit better than satellite? As far as I know, having sold these for years and owning several myself, there is no difference except the cosmetics. Can you guys maybe explain a little further what you believe the difference to be?


Went ahead and ordered the tank today. Should be here in a week or two.


Just need to get the lights and I'll be good to go.

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The Orbit's build quality is superior. It has a much better fan that actually does its job. It has 2 lunar lights instead of just one. The main reason the Orbit is better is the fact that it uses parabolic reflectors for each bulb. Anyone familiar with the effectiveness of bulbs realizes that a good reflector can make or break a setup. That increases the PAR substantially. Hands down there is no comparison. Especially since you get employee discount your cost wouldn't be that much higher with the Orbit. Trust me you won't regret it.

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Interesting...I haven't seen an orbit fixture since they first came out. We stopped carrying them since no one wanted to pay the extra cost. Plus they are ugly if you ask me, lol.


Anyway, I might give MH another thought. I forgot now that I am in a dorm and not a home I can hang my lights from the ceiling if I feel like it and have my own a/c and heat to control which was also part of the prob at home. Rather than having to have the mh on the surface, being hung, and keeping the ambient room temp lower I might be able to pull it off.


Given that I'm going to take a look at a few different MH pendents.

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Do you think a pendant would give you the spread you would want on a 20L??


Actually, that could be a problem.




I'll look through some of the 20L threads on NR and see what others have done.




I'd just go PC, but I'd like to reserve the option to be able to prop sps and anemones if the opportunity comes up.

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Ok, I think I figured it out.


24" Sunlight Supply 4x23w HO T5 Pendent


UV Lighting bulbs


Suspended from my ceiling


I think that should be enough light to keep just about everything, and it should light the tank much more evenly and fully compared to doing a metal halide pendent. Less heat too.


Just need to save up the money now :(

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That fixture would be ideal. As long as you get your bulb selection right it could be better than MH for your situation. Just make sure you have a way to shade some of the lower light corals because those T5's are gonna be BRIGHT. Some people actually have bleaching problems going from MH to T5. They are brighter than most people realize.

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