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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Nassarius about to die?


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So I have a nassarius snail that, for the past 16 hours, has been laying on the surface of the sand on its side with its body curled up like its trying to hide in its shell... I've tried burying it in the sand and when I look again its back on the surface... It's like it has one big muscle cramp...Its not dead since nothing else is trying to eat it... what's going on here? The only guesses I have are either a bad sting from either my pom pom crab or maybe the one lone aiptasia that I have in the corner of my tank awaiting death... Any thoughts?

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Sorry everybody but I'm bumping this one more time so that I can deal with this before bed... we're coming up on 24 hours and its still like this... anyone? Nothing has tried to eat it so its still alive...

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Sorry everybody but I'm bumping this one more time so that I can deal with this before bed... we're coming up on 24 hours and its still like this... anyone? Nothing has tried to eat it so its still alive...

id think either it was a sting or a hermit was trying to get at its shell and it freaked for awhile, i dont think itd do much to your tank if it died tho, the cuc would demolish it and a hermit would have a fancy new shell


good luck

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Yeah, I love my nassarius snails... If anything, its my sisters favorite thing in the tank... she loves the "oliphaunts"... but yeah, I just want to know whats happening to it more than if its gonna die...

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yea i hear ya. my wife actually likes my snails more then my corals lol. snails can be really weird sometimes and they actually are harder to keep then alot of people think. they dont do well with changes in water conditions. ive had them live for months looking great and then all of a sudden do what yours is. so it could just be its time to go or just one little change in the tank that made it unhappy. good luck with it

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So this is odd... I reached in and picked it up just now to see if it was still alive... I'm assuming that it is because nothing has tried to eat it yet... So I put it down and buried its fleshy part in the sand to see if that made a difference... There were a few of its friends up at the time and one was coming its direction... It started to go back under the sand when it discovered its ailing friend and decided to check things out. It slid across the shell a few times and poked around with its snout and then decided to sit on top of the poor snail... Its almost as if its protecting the sick one... Or its murderous and trying to smother the sick one... Or at the very least, its confused and thinks its a chicken and is trying to hatch a new snail... This is all really odd...

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Or at the very least, its confused and thinks its a chicken and is trying to hatch a new snail... This is all really odd...

:lol::lol::lol: Hope all goes well but I'd buy you a snail for the smile that line put on my face t/y

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Your snails have obviously suffered from some sort of traumatic event. The first snail has been lying in the fetal position and is unable to cope. Probably post traumatic stress disorder. The other snail is having trouble dealing with the first snails impending doom and seems to be suffering from an adjustment disorder or possibly major depression depending on how long this event has been going on. It could even be schizophrenia if it really thinks it's a chicken... borderline personality disorder if it's just pretending. Regardless this is nothing that can't be cured with proper combination of therapy and psychotropic medications. Good Luck!

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Your snails have obviously suffered from some sort of traumatic event. The first snail has been lying in the fetal position and is unable to cope. Probably post traumatic stress disorder. The other snail is having trouble dealing with the first snails impending doom and seems to be suffering from an adjustment disorder or possibly major depression depending on how long this event has been going on. It could even be schizophrenia if it really thinks it's a chicken... borderline personality disorder if it's just pretending. Regardless this is nothing that can't be cured with proper combination of therapy and psychotropic medications. Good Luck!

Well we're in luck because I'm a psych major... I even happen to have the "Great psychologists finger puppets". Now I just need to find a way to get the couch to sink and we're set...

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The Velvet Sea

The fact that one nassarius is hanging around makes me think that the other is in fact dying. Nassarius are great indicators like that. Grim reaper snails.

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