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Hi everyone. I posted here last night and came online to see my post wasn't on here anymore. Did I do something wrong? I posted the same question in a couple of other forums here. One post stayed up, but the other one's came down. I know it was a redunant question, but I figured that not everyone would go to the same forum, so I needed to hit the one's I thought might give the best advice. Hmmmm....Sorry if I wasn't supposed to do that. I didn't know. I am looking for an in sump skimmer to replace my remora. My total water volume is 62 gallons. It will house a lot of LPS, some acroporas, and clams. I need something quiet. Well, let me know.

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Yeah, you only need to post something ONCE. People will see it in one spot. In multiple places makes it redundant and make you seem either impatient or demanding for an answer. Just post up a question ONCE, and everyone will be happy and it'll get answered as people read and see it. Threads I see posted up more than once in different places I ALWAYS pass right over and don't bother to answer. Just some FYI for you.

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Oh Okay. Sorry about that. =) I didn't think everyone looked at the same forum. What place do you suggest I post questions like that then? Just want to make sure it's in the best spot so people can see. Sorry about that again. Deltec is what I've heard, but I cannot find anyone online that sells them. I also hear they are about 500.00. H&S I've heard good things, our local reef club just mentioned the Bubble King. Said there were some kinks the manufacturer was trying to work out. =) What sites do you recommend getting the price or purchasing these skimmers?

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Deltec and Bubble King are really too high in price. I can't pay $2,000 for the bubble king. =( If I could, then maybe I would. I just don't have those funds. From what I understand the Deltec is 1200.00 and the H&S is around 600.00. Or most likely more. I can't exactly remember. The Precision Marine Bullet 1 looks like a great piece of eqpt and is still rated very high. I'd love everyone's experience and opinions. How does the Bullet do vs a Euro-Reef? I really appreciate everyone's thoughts and advice. It helps me a lot.

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Look into Euro-Reef/ASM skimmers then.


For what its worth, a $1,200 Deltec would be severe overkill for a 62 gallon tank methinks.

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What are you looking to spend? If you told me you were hungry, but only wanted to spend $1.00 I would send you to McDonalds for a cheesburger, but if you had $100 I would send you to Mortons, but if you had $15 maybe TGIF or.....Anyway what's your budget?

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LOL O Dog. Well it all depends. Personally I can't buy a new deltec or a bubble king no way. That's too much. If I had to spend quite a bit and save, I'm willing to spend around $400.00 I guess. Blehhhhhh. I really don't want to, but if I had to I would. I want my corals and fish to be happy. I am curing my LR and my remora is just not pulling out much at all. I would expect it to have pulled a lot. The stuff it's been pulling though, is really nasty smelling so that's a good sign. It's not dark though. It's a medium green. Maybe even a medium/light green. If I'm going to spend the money, I'd rather get a good skimmer then a cheap one. You know? I unfortunately feel I spent too much for the Remora and for what it's been doing. I spent 230.00 =( Wish I would have saved it now for something better. :::::sigh. Let me know what ya'll think. I did find a used Deltec MC500 that a member messaged me. Well, it was a good idea and I really wanted it, but found out it needs at least 5 in of clearance to remove the collection cup. I don't have it. So it's between these now, Precision Marine Bullet 1, Euroreef, and also taking other suggestions. I'm not going to overstock the tank. I just would like to count on it being at least a nicely stocked tank. So, I need a good skimmer to keep everyone happy. =) Lemme know. Thanks.

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