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Frag Discs...


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So, here's what I was thinking, which means it's probably been thought of and done an infinity number of times before. But I thought I'd ask and throw it out there for people anyway.


The two part epoxy putty you can get for reefing, usually to hold rocks in place or hold a frag disk onto a rock or whatever. This stuff is really easy to work with (just mix it in your fingers for a minute and then put it in the tank and do whatever you need to) and comes in stone gray or coraline algae colors.


Well, the other day I was attaching a frag and noticed how easily this stuff can be pushed into small holes, cracks, etc. and then pulled back out before it drys (drys fast!) and shaped some more... it got me to thinking that you could easily mix up some putty and stick it into the places you want to move some zoas to or whatever and then pull it out and shapes the tip into whatever you want. Let it dry outside or inside the tank, if inside pull it out once it's cured and let it dry off and then you could attach your zoas to the tip of the custom plug you just made and stick it into the tank where it should perfectly fit. If you do it just right you won't even be able to tell it was done and before you know it the zoa's will spread all over the general area and look perfectly natural.


With the left over putty I had made I formed a small plug and mixed a bit of sand with it to see how it would turn out. The sand did not turn out that great but the plug is solid and will work if I ever need it. Next time I attach a zoa I know exactly the spots I will use to try this out and I'll let you know how it worked.

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