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Cultivated Reef

tropic marin or instant ocean?


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I have been using instant ocean the whole time but a couple of people told me to switch to Tropic Marin becuase it has more minarals...I dont plan on Dosing-I am going to keep shrooms poyps and softs so would I make the switch?


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Use whatever works. I used IO on a stony coral reef in the nineties and had no problem. I don't see why it would cause a problem in your tank.


Though some of the 'louder' people on this board like tropic marin. So, it's a matter of personal choice. Right now, I'm using Kent. It mixes up with a lower pH than I would expect (8.0). I think I might switch to something different once I'm done using this bag.



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I've used both IO and Tropic Marin. Both worked fine in my tank, no algae blooms or anyhting,. However I have noticed more craline growth with Tropic Marin than with IO.

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