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What kind of coral(s)?


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Im starting up a tank soon and the tank comes with 18 watt 7100K daylight and one 18 watt 12000K blue light for a total of 36 watts lights. What kind of corals could I keep in this lighting?Im new to the hobby so they would have to be hardy in a 11 gallon tank.Thanx for any suggestions.:)

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Shouldn't be. My clowns try to host in different things. They haven't killed anything yet. If the coral gets too bothered by the attention, I move it and the clowns tend to ignore it for awhile.

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Originally posted by WorldNation

what about feather dusters? would those be ok in the kind of a tank?


Feather Dusters are Filter Feeders. Unless you dose some phytoplankton they'll slowly starve to death in a nano-reef and nobody wants that.


you can get liquid phtyo pretty cheap. You can get the live but that starts to get expensive for feather dusters.

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