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Coral Vue Hydros

Setting up Shrooooommmmss


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I just added three snails a pep shrimp a scotter and two shrooms the shrooms are singles not attached to anything I was wondering how to get them to atach to something in the tank and how long it would take them to spred


12 gallon two mini power compacts two 9 watt atinic two 5000k

13 watt 50/50

20lbs live sand

16lbs lr

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you could also buy a little tupperware container and drill holes in it. Submerge it with a piece of LR or substrate inside, so the shroom can still enjoy the water, and stay out of the flow. Then you can place your shroom wherever if its on a rock, or glue it if it's attached to substrate.

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ok about this net way how do i do that again like i said they are both small one is like a nickle the other is like a little bigger around then a eraser and i keep finding them on the sand in the morning will this kill them

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What did for two lose ones i had was just took a small peice of rock out of the tank just sort of dabbed the spot where i wanted the shroom with a towel to take some of the water off then i grabed the shrrom and did hte same onteh bottom of it then put a dot of super glue(see main forum for what glue, there is a post about it there now) and held for a few seconds then put the whole thing back in the tank, problem solved. If you put it on a very small peice of rock, you can put that peice on another rock or on the sand.

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