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spikey growth


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noob here, so bare w/ me.


there are these spikey/spiney things growing on my rocks and snails? they start off coiling like a pig tail at the base and then just spike up varying in lentgths from an 1/8" to 1/2".


i tried to attach a pic, but i guess the file is too large. when i can borrow the digicam again, i will take a pic in a lesser resolution.


i've been in&out of this board for over a yr, but just haven't registered until now.


pertinent history?

had to move, so xfer'd livestock (damsel, false clown, couple of crabs, a doz. snails or so, xenia and shrooms) from a 20gal long, est. 8/02, to 10gal, est. 1/03. the transition was not overnight. i would say over 3wks in 1/03. there was a mini-cycle evident by a small algae bloom, but nothing the snails didn't take care of in a couple of days. spikes started to appear late 2/03 and seems like it's getting worse. i think it's the xenia's fault, but what say you?



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resize your picture in a photo program, or even lessen the quality without resizing. you dont need to take another pic.

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i think they are some kind of tube worm/feather duster with out the feather.


gotem all over the rocks on my tank. i think they are relatively harmless. once in a while they excrete this white stringy filament kind of like silk all over the tank.


hopefully, someone might have a more scientific id. ???

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