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Cultivated Reef

My distilled water has PO4


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OK. I'm very, very confused. A while back, I e-mailed my distilled water distributor and asked if their water contained any phosphates. Their response was "no," and I verified it with a Hagen test kit on a couple of 5 gallon jugs.


Later, I started getting a cyano outbreak and thought it was a combination of things . But ... just for giggles, I re-tested my distilled water today: .5 mg/l of PO4.


How bad is .5? I still have cyano, but my tank's PO4 levels are barely detectable (obviously, some of the nasties are bound to the cyano). I've been running PhosGuard and noticed that it goes from white -> pink within a few days, and I then swap it out.


Obviously, I need a new water source. Since I use less than 3 gallons of it a week, I don't really need an RO/DI system at home. I did a search for "Culligan" and found some folks using their supermarket machines. Conveniently, a new supermarket opened near me with said machine. Would their water test much better?



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could, but depending on the initial water source and howmuch water they crank out, the resins and membraine could be messed up in a short time.


Best bet d00d, get a good 5stage for your house.


email this guy. Jim at www.Jimstrains.com it is a Hobby RR online shop, but he has good RODI units at rock bottom prices.

you can get a shut off for it, and a "T" splitter before the DI last stage and use it for RO drinking water also.



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