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Well, first I'll introduce myself... I'm Aesodh and I'm 17. I have had a "traditional" salt water aquarium in the past, that I started around the time I was 11. 30 gal's, etc. Worked out ok, but I was young, and the whole thing was many times larger then me and I got tired of it after about a year and sold the equipment (doh, so much work for all that money I had to pay with it for... wish I had saved it). I haven't really messed with any sort of aquarium since. But lately I have been becoming more and more interested in it again and started a search for cichlids yesterday and somehow came across this site - and now I'm hooked, I have the money, I have the time, the patience, and a little experience and I've decided this is what I want.


I'm going to do something around fifteen to twenty gallons, I know I'll of course need a tank, live rock, live sand, some sort of lighting, a heater... I'm unsure from there. In the past I used one of those 'piggyback' style filters (sorry, 's been a long time) an under-gravel/sub-substrate filter for filtration - but with the live rock and sand I'm led to believe I won't need such... Is there anything else, I know I'll need some sort of powerhead for water circulation and airation.


And I'm unsure about water specs... what should the PH, salinity and tempeture be kept at. I've seen 78 degrees for tempeture. Is there anything else that needs to be regularly checked?


I just want something simple in the end, some damsel fish mostly, some cleaner shrimp, plants (the green stuff, seems neglected in marine aquariums and fancy animals are more fashionable), maybe coral, one day.


Sorry if I'm asking whats been ask again and again, I just need some one to say to me what it is I need from what I say, if that makes any sense. And I *do* intend to go the library and dig up some books, I'm not expecting anyone to tell me everything, I just want some real live advice (which will probably be better since all the books at the library when I last checked them out were from the 1980's 70's and 60's, I'm sure many things have been learned since then!).


Thanks for any help!:)

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I did read all the info before posting earlier, three times, and now I've re-read it again and took notes to help me get things down...


pH should be around 8.2, temp 78°, specific gravity (the same as salinity?) 1.023 .


So far I know I'll need:

tank (about 20 gallons, probably square/tall)

a # of pounds of live rock equal to the gallon compacity of the tank

half a pound of live sand for each gallon

75w heater (just going to go with Ebo Jager since that was what was recommended)

two powerheads (either Aquarium Systems, Rio or Hagen since those were the top three on the poll, whichever I can find and like best)

some sort of lighting system... I'll work out exactly what when I have my tank and know what I can fit over it.

temp guage of one kind or another

test kits to measure pH, specific gravity, etc.




I hope I'm not leaving out anything terribly important at this point.:D

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Add salt mix to the list... probably going to go with Instant Ocean since on the poll for that it was the most popular by far.


Salt... can't forget that.

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there are better powerheads. I can never remember the brand but dave (espi) sells them. they're tiny and put out a nice flow.


before you consider the equipment, it is best to map out the livestock first. this will help dictate the lighting needs, which will let you know what else you can afford.

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Livestock... either a few bluegreen damsels (I think... chromis viridis, not sure on the first part though) or a clown or two (false percula), definitely a trio of cleaner shrimp (camel, peppermint, or blood, they'll all be the same species if I can), some red leg hermits, some astrea and turbo snails + whatever happens to grow on the live rock I buy (probably going with Tampa Bay Saltwater since I can pick it up and negate all those shipping fees and it seems to turn out very nicely).

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for lighting purposes, I would get a 20 gallon long instead of a tall. You can get more light penetration with less Water to go through and that is a MUST in a reef tank!


Doesnt sound like you have really gone into the lighting you want to use, this is a huge issue and needs alot of preparation. If you are planning on wanting SPS corals and clams then you will some serious lighting. Power Compacts are best avlue for the money but if you want the best then Metal Halides are the way to go!



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I think I might scale back on the size, after calculating the price on live rock for a 20 gal I decided, even though I could a few times, I don't want to spend that much on rocks. So either a partly sparse 18 gal, 15 gal, or maybe 10, I'm going to refresh my memory on how big they all are all about before I decide. I really like the look of tall tanks though - I'll have to think on that some.


I've not siad much about lighting just because I don't know a whole lot about it yet, but I am going to look that over before I begin buying anything. Can I buy PC or metal halide lights or will I have to retro my hood with new fixtures when I get it? I'm sure that sounds stupid.

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look into the ViaAqua tanks, they are really nice looking and might be up your alley. Do a seach for ViaAqua and you will find alot.

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I've already did a search and can find little, the one place that I've found that has them has given other people problems so I'm steering clear of them. drfostersmith.com has an Azoo aquarium that looks pretty much like the Viaaqua tanks I've liked, and they're cheaper, but the largest I've found is only 7 gals...

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Duh, they also do have a ViaAqua tank, but with a funny piney design on the edging that makes me sick and reminds me of my old highschool. Plus I could probably get one of my teeth filled or a new TV which I need for the cost of it.


I think I might go with a nice cheapo tank, something Wal-Mart like... that's my last resort if I can't find something 10-15 gallons that I like. I could get a 30gal for 25 bucks at Petsmart last I was there, I should be able to get a NICE rounded corner 10-15 gallon tank for no more than that. I'm sure it will be hard but it's what is right, if I can't then another thing is wrong with the world.

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