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Live Rock Prices


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My LFS sells live rock 10 per pound vs. 4.50 per pound online. I called and shipping will only be 15.


15# rock from LFS $150.00

15# rock from Premium Aquatic $82.50


My LFS's rock is full of coraline algae. Should I shell out the extra 70 bucks? I am thinking I could buy more down the line if I saved the money up front. What does everyone think.

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I have read that PA's live rock is really nice and full of life. If i were going to buy LR it would probably be from them. its your cash and only you know what the rock looks like at your LPS. i would go with PA!! thats my 2 cents though

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I was very disappointed with my rock from PA. If you want full detals PM me I not going to bash them to bad publicly. I have found throu a friend a great place for live rock will let you know in pm also. From this place for their premium rock it would be roughly $70. That was using their location and the farthest location in Cont. US I could get. Now this is aquacultured rock.

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I wonder this as well. I was asking @ my LFS about Vanuatu LR and they said they were getting some nice stuff that would be for sale @ $12/lb.


That's rediculous. It's laughable.


I guess people buy it for that so that's why they charge so much. But I need 30 lbs and I'm not going to give them $360.

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I'm setting up a 90 gallon and all the live rock sells for $10 per pound, and I don't want to give them $900! I was also thinking of ordering online but I want to pick out my pieces. Lots of people say that they are really happy with the rock that they get, but I'm not to sure if I want to take that risk.

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Gotta look at the pros and cons...


Buying live rock from the LFS


- Helps keep your LFS in business there by giving you a place to shop at.

- You get to see precisely what it is your buying, no rolling the dice here


- Its way more expensive! Many here in the DFW Tx have a 400% mark up over thier wholse sale cost and the quality is not that good except on occasion they will get a respectable looking batch in if you can beat everybody else to the choice pieces.

- They often mix in thier live rock tanks with rock from hobbyist that gave up for what ever reason and broke down thier tanks and traded the rock in for cash or store credit. While you can sometimes get some choice pieces this way often times the rock being taken back was from a tank over ran with apitasia or other nasties or suffered neglect and became slime covered algae infested chunks of rock.




- Its much Cheaper per a pound. Even after shipping cost are factored in it may still be cheaper by a good bit!!!

- While you usually cant pick your rock often times venders will pick out some pieces in the size range you requested or toss in some choice pieces for you if they think you will buy again or you are buying a lot of mechandise from them. Just something to consider. If you can e-mal or call them and swing this good for you and its quiet possible to do even when they dont advertise it. I have gotten some outstanding rock this way on line the several times I have ordered. But its still a crap shoot either way when you buy rock this way and you have to just accept it.


- Shipping is a killer and often enough to make a grown man cry. You can cut shipping cost by picking it up at the airport cargo area sometimes instead of front door delivery. Just something to consider.

- Its like a box of chocolates...you never know what your going to get!

- Unless its shipped fully submerged in water your going to need to cure it, even if it was cured to begin with.


The Rock here in DFW area is such GARBAGE I was either going to have to get it on line or buy sun dried rock. Unfortunately I dont need a 45-88 lbs box of rock for a 20 gallon and 10 gallon tank, so....I went with sun dried rock at 3.00 a pound and just got a couple of nice coralline coated nuggets out of the live rock tank to seed this sun dried rock with. The down side to this very cost effective method was I had to wait about 6 months to start seeing some good coralline algae coverage on it. The upside is I got no Apitasia, No Majano Anemones, No Bryopsis, Bubble Algae, Flat Worms or other little "suprises". That made the wait for this rock to come along, well worth the wait and the price was easy on the wallet.


just my .02 cents...

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well, since this is the aquaculture forum:

buy 30lbs of liverock from www.reeferrocks.com

get some top dollar liverock from your lfs and seed the tank

livesand helps with the process as well

it takes awhile, but you won't be disappointed by the price, shapes, and quality :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I may be because I live in Florida, but live rock here is only $5.00 a pound. I'd never buy online - shipping would kill me.

Even $5 a pound really adds up fast---I say PUT THE "F" TO YOUR LFS. I got lucky at my LFS in that they had some HUMONGOUS pieces that they couldn't sell as they were and didn't want to break em up so I bought the pieces at $2.50 a pound and broke them up myself.


You can also occasionally find someone shutting their tank down-----and where are they gonna throw rock away at? That's the best way to get it.


Otherwise, if I had to buy rock right now---I would buy online and cure it myself. It's a competitive world--keep lookin until the price is right for you.

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I am gonna be ordering 30lb from these guys

if you do the Airport pickup its only 20bucks for delivery...so 30lbs will cost like 90bucks delivered


I am sure there are plenty who will say that's not the way to go, but after spending as much on rock as we can----I won't do it anymore. LR is so frikkin addicting. Every new piece I saw for a while---I just had to have. Sometimes dropping $50 on one piece!! No more!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I may be because I live in Florida, but live rock here is only $5.00 a pound. I'd never buy online - shipping would kill me.


ya i know what you're saying. I went to a handfull of LFS and the avg price was $7 a lb. Found one that was selling for $5lb and went with them. Decent rock and lacked pest hitchhikers. I couldnt imagine paying $12 per lb...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got my LR from this guy in Tampa, check out my tank and you'll see how good they are, i only paid 2.25 LB and shipping was cheap.


Anyways his eBay id is lifeoceanic, you should check it out.

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