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Cultivated Reef

John Bloch's 1 Gal pico EXTRAVIGANZA!

John Bloch

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I just bought this at a local petco on clearance for $12.00:




its a one gal that retails for 30 some dollars...


I decided that it would be the perfect canidate fpr a small but life sustaining pico...


I'm not even planning on pluging that dinky filter in the wall...


I have a big tetra filter that is supposed to work for 30 gal tanks... just fits the back of the tank, and holds like 10liters of water... I can fit my 50w hodor heater in the filter... and I'm planning on putting cheato and extra lr in there... and maybe lighting it with an led or someting if the light above the pico isnt enough...


The light is a 7wat 6500... which I'm guessing wont sustain any sort of softies... are there 7watt 50/50's? would a 7watt 50/50 do the job? would these foster and smith lights work?



I'm planning on stocking with hermits, or MAYBE an emerald crab... and zoos and other soft corals... or other small inverts that catch my eye... it really all depends on what weve got in our shop when I'm ready to stock her up...



tell me what you think... and at the moment I'm most concerned about the lighting...

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looking forward to seeing some action shots of it.


There are several small PC lights that will fit over that tank, look for the 18w bulbs. They should be enough for lots of softies for you.

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i was eyeing those the other day.

good luck with it! :happy:


yeah... I was going to go back and pick another up today after work... but i have teh flu... its pretty bad... and I hate pukein...


anyone have a link to an 18w clip on?



I painted the back with that fusion stuff... I have to put on another coat... but I'll post pics some time soon...

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heater in the filter? I would like to see how you manage that one? Are you going to drill a hole in the side of the cannister to feed the cable through then silicone around it?



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heater in the filter? I would like to see how you manage that one? Are you going to drill a hole in the side of the cannister to feed the cable through then silicone around it?






It would be great if i had a canister filter on this thing... lol... the heater is 7 inches long and fits in a "hang on the back" filter made by tetra.... I just wont use the lid...


ok ok ok...


I bought a 10w CF 50/50 atinic from petco... it was cheap... and I have a lamp...


I'm going to get some RO water soon to set it up...


what should I do for substrate? should I really buy like a 20lb bag of sand?

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you could take some sand out of another tank


yeah... I might ask them about that at work... but weve got white sand for like 3 dollars for 5lbs... I'll probably just go with that... (or i could have orange or black)



I'm going to buy LR soon as well as some pre mixed ro salt water (weve got that at work too... dont worry, I'll check the salinity)


I might do all that tomorrow... I mean... today... geez... I better get some sleep...

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Hokay... so a couple days ago, I went into work and bought 4lbs of LR (its got purple growths on it, and is really cool) some "mariene sand" and some pre-mixed R/O saltwater... chucked it in my tank, turned on my filter, and burnt it up...


so, now I'm out a big filter... oh well... the little one that came with it spits water out at about 20gph anyway... which is 20 cycles in an hour, which is plenty enough... seems Like the sand I bought needs to be washed (oops) and some of it floats... wierd huh?


now, I decided my 4 pounds of LR in a 1 gallon is waay to much... when Looking, I just decided to buy a piece small enough to fit in the tank, and some "crumbs" (pieces about the size of a half dollar) to put in the filter...


I need to post pics to show how massive this rock is for the tank, but alas I dont have time...


It fits, but is huge... should I break it up? how? bad idea?


Its got alot of little tube like things that stick off of it... I'm hoping these arent bad...


tell me what you think... and I'll try to get pics up soon!

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breaking the LR does not harm anything.... go for it


lets see those pics


well... crap....


Guess what I found in my rock...


A bristleworm!!! WHAHOO!


the tweezers is by the tank just incase I find him again.... (no, i wont try to kill him, just pull him out... I know they can replicate)


pics in a minute!

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well... crap....


Guess what I found in my rock...


A bristleworm!!! WHAHOO!


the tweezers is by the tank just incase I find him again.... (no, i wont try to kill him, just pull him out... I know they can replicate)


pics in a minute!



ok... pics in a minute... or two days....


so, I broke my rock up to rescape... and guess who i found? why, it was timmy the bristleworm!!! hes still lying on the workbench... yes... I killed timmy... I'm a bastard....



anyway... I re-scaped, tested for amonia and nitrite (which are 0) and added 2 hermits and an astrea (probably way to much to start with, but oh well...) making sure to add a ph buffer (one that brings it to 8.2) because of the ROsalt mix having a ph of like 0....


and now, I AM going to go take pictures of this 1 gal picotope...


but, like i said before, the scratches I made on the plastic are unsightly... oh well.. it holds water...

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you realize its probably best to leave the bristleworms in? theyll eat any scraps present in your tank and dont bother anything. plus, chances are there are plenty more bristles somewhere in that rock.


and i wanna see some pictures!

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you realize its probably best to leave the bristleworms in? theyll eat any scraps present in your tank and dont bother anything. plus, chances are there are plenty more bristles somewhere in that rock.


and i wanna see some pictures!


I guess your right... but i still dont like em... my manager had one about 8 inches long take out his whole tank in 24 hours... it attacked something that emits toxins when it dies... forgot what though... it died of course, and wiped out the whole tank...




Oblig FTS:



An angled view:



Livestock (two red legs and an astrea):



Ok... heres one Ive got questions about... whats that red tendril that I circled in red? I've seen clear tenticle like beings come out of the part circled in green... what could those be?





Sorry these took so long... hopefully you like them... or else I kept you all in psudo suspence for nothing...

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vermetid snail or feather duster worm?



could be... talked to someone at work and said it could be a yellow something or other...


it poked its head out thismorning at it was a nice shade of yellow... had long tenticles and stuff...


cant wait to put some frags in this thing... maybe I could try and squeak by some cheap prices at work... some of our frags have like 3 itty bitty polyps on a huge hunk of rock...

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Your tank is looking really sweet so far. I have the exact same tank and I have had it setup for about a month now! I hope everything works out.



What are your plans for stocking?







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Your tank is looking really sweet so far. I have the exact same tank and I have had it setup for about a month now! I hope everything works out.

What are your plans for stocking?



no fish...


probably xenia, zoos nushrooms... whatever I can get to grow in there that doesnt cost two arms and three legs...


I'm actually going to start another project tank soon... its going to be a 5.5 gal in-sump tank...


Ive allready got it put together and stuff... just got to put sand and LR in it... which I might do tommorow...


maybe I should start a thread for it... :P

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hey I have the same tank lying around the house and wanted to use it but i just absolutely hate the noise that the stock filter makes. its just too loud with the cover on. i would leave it with the cover off but im concerned about dust, bugs, and other stuff getting in the water (i made a cover for the tank itself). do you do anything to reduce the noise? regardless nice tank and good luck.



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hey I have the same tank lying around the house and wanted to use it but i just absolutely hate the noise that the stock filter makes. its just too loud with the cover on. i would leave it with the cover off but im concerned about dust, bugs, and other stuff getting in the water (i made a cover for the tank itself). do you do anything to reduce the noise? regardless nice tank and good luck.




I just fill the water up untill its almost to the very top of the tank (which means you'll need tweezers to move things around, so make sure you have your rock where ya want it before you fill it up)


it would be a good idea to slap a decent sized filter on instead of that stock one... I just have that stock one filled with LR rubble (or "crumbs" which is what the people at work call them... they just like to make fun of me and my picos)


but yeah... its been cool... but with my light I have to remember to top off every day or else It can really swing the salinity...

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awesome tank


what temp is the tank running at? i have two of these tank right now, one's planted and another is completely new. Maybe i'll do something like this.

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